Rare yellow turtle discovered in India

A rare yellow tortoise was spotted in India on Sunday and the unusual creature is captivating people around the world. Local residents in Balasore first saw the turtle, according to Reuters. The video of the animal, which at first glance looks more like a lemon than a reptile, has gone viral online.

The turtle was released to the forest officers. Wildlife experts say it is possibly an albino mutation of a common turtle, Reuters reports.

Albinism is a type of genetic disorder in which there is little or no pigment production in the skin, eyes, and hair, or in other species, fur, feathers, or scales.

National Geographic says that albinism is rare but can affect many different animals. Some albino animals can have difficulties in the wild. Albinism in mammals can affect the color of the coat, skin, and eyes. Non-mammalian animals, such as the turtle, may also be albinos, but they may not appear completely white because they can produce other pigments in addition to melanin.

In an interview with Asian News International (ANI), Wildlife Guardian Bhanoomitra Acharya said it was a unique finding. “This turtle that was rescued, its skull and body are yellow, it really is very rare. I have never seen a turtle like this in my life,” he said.

Another rare turtle was also recently discovered in the area, ANI reports. Last month, a fisherman caught a Trionychidae turtle, which is a soft-shelled turtle that is generally found in Africa, Asia, and North America. The turtle was later released into the area where it was found, according to ANI.
