Rare gives us another look at the beautiful Everwild

I fell in love with Everwild when Rare announced it last year. Back then, it was a mystery what this magnificent natural and fantasy game could entail, but thanks to a new trailer that was shown during Microsoft’s Xbox Games Showcase, we finally know a little more. It seems that this beautiful world is about caring for the strange and wonderful creatures within it, and maintaining the balance of nature.

In Everwild, you play as an “eternal”, beings who connect with the world around them to feel the flow of nature through each living being. In the trailer, we see these people caring for all sorts of fantastic animals, from tiny deer-like creatures sheltering from the rain, to large old fish spitting out all their babies in a lake. Ok, I know the second one doesn’t sound particularly magical, but everything looks really charming.

It is still not entirely clear what really do in the game. We know it has something to do with exploration, and it’s entirely possible that it’s similar to the Sea Of Thieves sandbox style, but for now we’ll have to wait to find out.

Everwild is coming to PC and Xbox sometime in the future. Take a look at the Rare website for more … links and images and stuff, there’s really no more information.

Whatever you call it, head over to our E3 2020 label to learn more about this summer’s explosion of game ads, trailers, and miscellaneous marketing. Our E3 broadcast schedule will tell you what to see and when. Check out all the PC games on the PlayStation 5 show and everything on the PC Gaming Show to get started.

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