Raid Dungeons and more explained

Sayuki, who plays Medina, the SAO ReoNa singer, shared her favorite characters and scenes.

Bandai Namco along with Dengeki Online, made a final broadcast for the launch of Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris in Japan on July 9. The broadcast featured production by producer Yousuke Futami, ReoNa, and cosplayer Sayuki, who was cosplaying as Medina Orthinanos. Acquire Game Director Satoshi Hirayae was not physically present but participated via voice chat. The broadcast was especially focused on the next update and DLC content slated to release in 2 weeks. In particular, it will fix FPS issues.

I recommend reading our previous coverage on SAOAL DLC before delving into this article.

Please note this article contains SAO story spoilers.

First off, the Daily Quest system, which we detailed above, is slated to be added via this free update in approximately two weeks. Producer Futami stressed that it is “scheduled,” but it could be a little late, given the current state of the world. The second image shows the costumes of “Sword Punk Online”, an example of the cosmetic content that can be obtained through Cube gacha.

Then Raid Dungeons will be added as well. Up to 8 players can run Raid Dungeons together online, and 8 NPC Sub-Members will join them, for a total of 16 characters. You can also try Raid Dungeons offline with NPC characters. Producer Futami and director Hirayae described Raid Dungeons in SAO Alicization Lycoris as highly difficult content that you must challenge after cleaning the game.

There are four raid dungeons in total, one in each Underworld Empire. The current player level cap in the game is level 50, but the Raid Dungeons will include bosses with levels above 85. However, later in the broadcast, Director Hirayae explained that the Raid Dungeons have cheats, some of the which can lower the boss level. As such, even if you find the boss room quickly, it is best to fully explore the dungeon first.

Some Raid Dungeon games were also shown on the stream, linked at the 43:45 timestamp below.

Producer Futami also revealed that early in development, Aquria developers didn’t really want to include a mini-map in Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, to increase the feeling of exploration and everything. Producer Futami rejected the idea. Overall, I wanted the game to be as accessible as possible. Seeing Alicization is an incredibly popular SAO arc, Lycoris Alicization It could be picked up by people who are not used to playing at all. Also mentioned Alicization He has a lot of female fans, who tend to prefer to enjoy the story and not focus on the game. (Many Japanese developers, especially those from Bandai Namco, often mention that most Japanese players in their franchises tend to focus only on the story and not the gameplay, especially when it comes to Stories of Serie.)

We got to see a Raid Dungeon mid-boss fight at the 51:50 mark:

Next, while director Hirayae was preparing the next game sequence, producer Futami, ReoNa, and Sayuki discussed their favorite. SAO Moments and characters. Sayuki mentioned that one of her favorite characters is Asuna and she likes Kirito x Asuna scenes in general, especially when Asuna saves Kirito from Kuradeel. ReoNa already mentioned in a previous broadcast that she is a fan of Eugeo, so her favorite Alicization moment is his death and the Stay Cool line in episode 24 of the anime. She also likes GGO and Sinon. The three of them argued about the Kirito x Sinon scenes, like when Kirito tells him that he ended up killing people in the past as well.

The game restarted at the 1:02:00 mark, with a level 87 boss battle:

After that, producer Futami explained that various costumes will be added in late July along with Daily Quests and Raid Dungeons. Most of them will be costumes that are already in the game, such as villagers, nobles, NPC soldier costumes, but that players can also wear.

They also made fun of more costumes.

At this point, Producer Futami began listing multiple improvements along with the update. As we already mentioned, the FPS will be improved.

The camera too. Producer Futami acknowledged that several players in Japan complain about it on social media.

They will also change the way to cancel attacks and abilities. The way load times work may also change.

Producer Futami also explained how sometimes the game automatically stops saving. It is not a mistake, but it is so that players don’t get caught with a save where they are below level just before a boss and cannot train.

Many other improvements will be made: the user interface will be improved. The inertia of movement of the characters will be improved. The update will facilitate the recognition of weapons and loot of high rarity.

Another problem to solve: There is a certain situation right now where unique and strong named monsters on the field can regain all of their HP if they suddenly end up too far from the player. For example, if they end up falling off a cliff. Because the game thinks that the fight match has been restarted. They will fix that too.

Lastly, Bandai Namco is collecting player data on how many times certain monsters or bosses were defeated. Using this data, Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris It will adjust in real time. For example, if a certain monster was heavily killed by players, you will get a temporary benefit. Meanwhile, a monster being hunted could become the target of a “Wanted” feature.

Producer Futami revealed near the end of the broadcast that Bandai Namco plans to regularly add new content to SAOAL for at least a year We haven’t heard from Premium Pass paid DLC content yet, but are still working on it.

A special launch artwork was also revealed on the stream.

The launch illustration was provided by one of the Aquria artists. They were not named directly.

The usual final broadcast photo, tweeted by Sayuki:

Be sure to check out our previous coverage.

Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris It is now available worldwide on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.