‘Queer I’ star Jonathan Van Ness has announced that he is married

The “Queen Eye” star revealed in a long Instagram post that she is married to her best friend and the two are making a living together. Mark Peacock soon broke the news in a post of his own.

“Thank you to the universe for letting me come here and to everyone who has supported me. 2020 was a year unlike any other,” Van Ness wrote. “I had to campaign and get more involved politically. For what I didn’t know I completed my tour in Australia and NZ, who knows how long this will be my last standup show.”

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He then shocked the fans with the news, “I’m married to my best friend and have a loving partner to continue building my life.”

Van Ness’s “Queer I” costars, who knew about the wedding, went to the comments section to congratulate the happy couple.

Tan France said, “Happy New Year, Jackie! I love you. The hope for next year here is so good, and we can finally celebrate your wedding.”

Bobby Burke wrote, “Yeah !! That was the hardest secret to keep !! Love you Mark and Johnny!”

Karmo Brown commented. “Yeah! We can finally celebrate it in public !! Very happy for you !!!!!! One of the most beautiful couples in the world. Love you and Happy New Year @jvn.”

Anthony Poroski focused on the second part of the post, joking, “Wait you got a dog?!?!?!”

Van Ness ended his greetings by saying he was looking forward to seeing his mom in 2021.

“The last but not the last time I saw my mom I am so proud of all she has done this year and can’t wait to see her again soon. I hope you will all be safe and healthy in this. The days to come.”
