Puppies Huge Playoff Odds Bounce, Mets Ridiculous, Jackie Robinson Day, and other Puppy Bits

The Cubs are scheduled to restart tonight’s game in Cincinnati at 6:10 p.m. CT at the start of a series of four games spread over three days (morning double header). It is unclear whether there will be an additional demonstration of the Cubs, who played Wednesday night without Jason Heyward, who was sitting alone in protest. It’s also not clear how cooperative the weather will be tonight – storms are expected as something of a 50/50 statement tonight.

Today is actually Jackie Robinson Day in MLB. I hope the moment is not lost on one.

• The Pirates became the Cubs’ best friend last week, after sweeping the Brewers last weekend and now just sweeping the Cardinals in a double header. The Pirates are now 7-4 against the Brewers and Cardinals this year, and 2-15 against everyone else. We now have no choice but to honor and respect the Pirates. Raise the Jolly Roger and something like that.

• Also, and something related: as of this moment, the NL Central is now the only division in baseball with only one team above .500 (the Cubs (around 18-12 (which is a good record))). It’s clear that the Puppies have areas where they have to perform much, much better than in the last two weeks, but the division has sorted itself so that it would be very difficult for the Puppies to get out of the top two places. fall, which guarantee to reach the playoffs. In fact, their superiority to win the division climbed 10 PERCENT POINTS yesterday due to that Pirates-Cardinals sweep, and now stand at 67.8%. Their chance of becoming second in the division is 21.8%. That’s about a 90% chance of finishing first or second in the division.

• It’s been a long time since the New York Mets ruled the MLB team’s pantheon of laughter-from-the-outside. But, I do not know, man. Yesterday I took the cake. Here we go: a video was leaked of Mets GM Brodie Van Wagenen telling a few people that what he was about to say remains between them. He tells her that Commissioner Rob Manfred had an idea that the Mets should get their players to the field, leave the field, and then come back an hour later to play their game yesterday. A fake, demonstrative demonstration that no person with even an external connection to reality would think for a second with the players who had already decided to put the game out. Van Wagenen points this out, pointing out that Manfred simply does not accept it, and suggests that there is a connection to reality. Shortly afterwards, Van Wagenen publicly apologizes to her and says he should not have said anything AND he misunderstood, it was actually his own boss, Mets owner Jeff Wilpon who proposed the terrible idea. Rob Manfred then issued his own statement denying that he had suggested such a thing. After THAT, the Mets owners – Fred and Jeff Wilpon – each gave statements that Van Wagenen chastised for what he said, and BOTH misspelled the first name of their own GM in their statements.

• The best part? The “leaked” video that started the whole thing? It was not leaked at all. Some college boy found it just sitting there on the Mets.com website. You can not top the Mets. You can try. But you can not top the Mets.

• Meanwhile, the focus should always have been on the demonstration made by the Mets and Marlins, and the message they and other athletes send:

• To:

• If you missed it last night, Pedro Strop is now in Chicago for reasons not yet known.

And do not miss the freebie from our partners at DraftKings for the NFL opening game. A great deal that only lasts through the weekend.