Public health confirms 10 new deaths and 1,030 new cases – update – deadline

Update: The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has confirmed 10 new deaths and 1,030 new cases of Covid-19.

Public Health has noted a steady decline in daily hospital admissions in LA County. In mid-July, there were more than 2,000 Kovid-19 patients hospitalized on a daily basis. This past week an average of 1,100 patients were hospitalized every day. Currently, 1,089 people with Covid-19 are hospitalized, the lowest since the beginning of May.

Of the 10 new deaths reported today, five were in critical condition, including two over the age of 80, two between the ages of 65 and 79 and one between the ages of 50 and 64.

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Previous: The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health confirmed 27 new deaths and 1,339 new positive cases of Covid-19 on Saturday. The daily number has dropped slightly since Friday, with Public Health confirming 38 new deaths and more than 1,630 new positive cases.

A total of 239,756 positive COVID-19 cases have been identified by Public Health in Los Angeles County to date. A total of 5,759 virus-related deaths have been reported in Los Angeles.

The update comes just days after Governor Gavin News issued new guidelines for reopening schools, day care centers and youth sports leagues. The new group also follows the governor’s announcement of color-coded guidelines for opening up the state.

News has provided the people of California with a color-coded map showing the intensity of COVID-19 in the state in a variety of colors. Various scales of the Newsm scale are displayed in California, representing the minimal spread of mustard yellow in purple purple. But while the spread of different spaces in the northern parts of the state is low, most of Southern California is in the spread area.

To date, there are a total of 700,778 confirmed cases and 12,905 deaths in California.