Psychonauts is no longer free on Xbox One and Xbox 360 [Update]

To update: It seems that this could have been a mistake, since Psychonauts is no longer listed as free in any region. Bad luck if you missed it. The original story follows below.

Psychonauts, one of the most iconic and original games on the original Xbox, is currently free to download for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Either through a promotional or pricing error, you can catch the quirky 2005 platform game without spending a penny right now.

The game introduces you as Raz, a psychic boy sent to camp who has to travel to people’s minds and solve their problems. It’s great.

The publisher of the game, Double Fine, is now owned by Microsoft, making the game free. This is not a Game Pass agreement, so you can get the game for free without the subscription service.

Psychonauts 2 is coming, although it was recently delayed in 2021. It will also be available on Xbox Game Pass.

We will update when it becomes clear how long this agreement is available for, but our advice is do not delay.

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Playing now: Psychonauts 2 Jack Black Trailer | Xbox Games Showcase 2020

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