Producers of Ellen DeGeneres respond to accusations that the workplace is ‘toxic’

Producers of Ellen DeGeneres respond to accusations that the workplace is ‘toxic’

Ellen DeGeneres has been entangled in controversy after controversy since the year began.

And with the latest claims that some of her former employees made against her, Ellen’s showProducers were given no choice but to issue a statement, addressing the ‘toxic work environment’ allegations that have been around for a while.

Mary Connelly, Ed Glavin and Andy Lassner in a joint statement given to Entertainment Tonight, expressed regret that their former employees had an unpleasant work experience with them.

“Over the course of nearly two decades, 3,000 episodes and employing over 1,000 staff members, we have strived to create an open, safe and inclusive work environment. We are truly heartbroken and sorry to hear that even one person in our family of production has had a negative experience, “the statement read.

“It is not who we are and it is not what we strive to be, and it is not the mission that Ellen has set for us. For the record, the day-to-day responsibility of the Ellen show rests entirely with us.”

“We take all of this very seriously and realize that as many of the world are learning, that we need to do better, we are committed to doing better and we will do better,” they added.

Earlier this week, 10 former program employees and a current one spoke with BuzzFeed News on the “toxic” work environment due to producers.

They related how they were threatened with dismissal for medical leave or days of mourning and asked not to speak to DeGeneres when she was in his office.

While no direct comments were made about the talk show host and comedian, in recent months, many former employees, as well as guests on the show, have spoken out against DeGeneres and his “ bad ” behavior.
