Pro-Armenian protesters block Hollywood traffic, seek support in conflict with Azerbaijan

According to reports, protesters blocked the California freeway to focus on the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Los Angeles on Saturday, waving Armenian flags and holding signs that the media demanded attention to the conflict between neighboring countries.

Freeway traffic slowed in both directions around 9:30 p.m., said Don Conley, a California Highway Patrol officer. By 10:15 p.m., protesters were forced to close the highway.

After 11 p.m., traffic started moving again

A report by CBS Los Angeles states that protests were staged earlier that day by the Armenian Youth Federation, already held outside the Azerbaijani consulate, in which 1,000 people drew.

As a result of the clashes on September 27, Armenia established martial law and declared war on Azerbaijan. According to Armenian Defense Ministry spokeswoman Shushan Stepian, each nation had deployed troops in the heavily fighting Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Protesters take part in a demonstration in support of Armenia in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki on Saturday, October 3, 2020.  His conflict over the separatist territory of Nagarno-Karabakh sparked a fierce battle between Armenia and Azerbaijan on Saturday, with the Azerbaijani president criticizing international mediators who have worked for decades to resolve the dispute.  (AP Photo / Giannis Papanikos)

Protesters take part in a protest rally in support of the northern city of Thessaloniki, Arsenia, on Saturday, October 3, 2020. His conflict over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh escalated into fierce fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan on Saturday, with the Azerbaijani president criticizing international mediators who have tried for decades to resolve the dispute. (AP Photo / Giannis Papanikos)

Each side accused the other of attacking civilians in the clashes, which are probably the most violent since the 1994 ceasefire between the countries. Protests have erupted in many countries, demanding attention before the conflict escalates.

Reveals Syrian report to send text to fight in Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict.

Some observers worry that a regional conflict could escalate into a proxy war between Russia and Turkey – and Iran – if other nations do not take action.

“They are attacking innocent civilian villages. They are attacking the homes of innocent people, “one protester, Eva Arkalin, told NBC Los Angeles.

A view of a residential area and cars allegedly damaged by scams during the military conflict in the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, Stepanekart, Azerbaijan, on Saturday, Oct. October 2020, Saturday, Oct. 2020.  The fighting is the biggest increase of the years.  The decades-long dispute over the region, which is located in Azerbaijan but controlled by local ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia.  (By David Hraman / NKR Infosenter Page Photo AP)

A view of a residential area and cars allegedly damaged by scams during the military conflict in the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, Stepanekart, Azerbaijan, on Saturday, Oct. October 2020, Saturday, Oct. 2020. The fighting is the biggest increase of the years. The decades-long dispute over the region, which is located in Azerbaijan but controlled by local ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia. (David Hra Ramanyam / NKR Infosenter Pan Photo by AP)

“They’re trying to erase an entire race and the world is watching how we can’t be emotional about it?” Asked another protester, Maryam Khacharian.

Armenia-Azerbaijan Classes: U.S., Others Should Expert as Consultative Experts, Experts Say

Armenia has repeatedly claimed in recent weeks that Turkey has sent Syrian fighters to Azerbaijan and is helping Azerbaijan in Turkey’s military conflict.

In this video taken from the video released by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan on Saturday, October 20, 2020, Azerbaijan's soldiers were with officers during a battle with the army of Azerbaijan's indigenous citizens Nagorno-Karabakh.  Armenia and Azerbaijan said on Saturday that heavy fighting was raging in their conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh separatist region.  The president of Azerbaijan criticized international mediators who have been trying for decades to resolve the dispute.  (Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan through AP)

In this video, taken from a video released by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan on Saturday, October 3, 2020, Azerbaijani soldiers were meeting with officials during a battle with the army of the citizens of Azerbaijan’s indigenous Republic-Karabakh. Armenia and Azerbaijan said on Saturday that heavy fighting was raging in their conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh separatist region. The president of Azerbaijan criticized international mediators who have been trying for decades to resolve the dispute. (Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan through AP)

“Turkey and Azerbaijan are pursuing only military-political goals,” Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashini said in an address to his nation on Saturday. “Their goal is Armenia, their goal is to continue the genocide of Armenians.”

Dozens of people will be killed in the fighting in Armenia, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan faced allegations that thousands of ethnic Armenians had been deployed or recruited from abroad to fight in Armenia.

A statement from Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry said that the Armenian and Armenian diaspora organizations have international legal responsibility for organizing these terrorist activities.

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The Los Angeles metropolitan area has the largest population of Armenians outside of Armenia.

The Associated Press contributes to this report.