Princess Beatrix’s mother Sarah Ferguson just thanked Wedding Well-Wishers on Instagram

Britain's Royals Eugenia Wedding

TOBY MELVILLEfake pictures

It’s been a whirlwind of days for the royal family, ever since Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi stunned the world with their unannounced private wedding in Windsor last week.

Unlike other recent royal weddings, such as Beatrice’s sister Princess Eugenia’s wedding in 2018, celebrated worldwide with televised fanfare, the private nature of Beatrice’s weddings has meant that information and statements about the wedding have spread more slowly. While the announcement that the wedding had taken place was made after the ceremony on July 17, the photos were not released until several days later, apparently to avoid overshadowing the investiture of Queen of Captain Tom Moore. After the photos were posted, the groom posted an Instagram sharing an additional image as well as an EE Cummings poem that was part of the couple’s wedding ceremony.

And now Beatrice’s mother Sarah Ferguson, better known as Fergie, has also joined social media to thank supporters for sending celebratory messages in honor of Beatrice and Edo’s big day.

Instead of a photo of the day (so far, all official published photos from the wedding only show Beatrice and Edo, except for a portrait of the socially estranged but smiling couple with Queen and Prince Philip) on Tuesday, Fergie posted a Denis Waitley quote to his Instagram that said “Happiness cannot be traveled, earned, used or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.” Along with the quote, it also included a title, thanking everyone who communicated about Beatrice’s wedding.

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“Thank you to all of the very special and kind people who took the time and trouble to send incredibly supportive and supportive messages,” he wrote. “A mother was never prouder than Eugenie and Jack’s wedding, and again with my Beatriz’s loving wedding to beloved Edo. I am so lucky with my daughters and now with the best sons-in-law.”

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