Prince Harry’s ‘envious’ outburst at Prince William in the children’s fight for the throne

From an early age, Prince Harry realized that he was in the shadow of his older brother.

The couple was like two peas in a pod as they grew up and would do anything for each other.

But from a young age, they were both well aware of the imbalance in the roles to which they would be destined as adults in the royal family.

Prince William would be king, while Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s second child would have to accept a lesser title and find their own way in life.

But tensions over drastic differences in their roles flared during an argument when they were just young children.

At the tender age of four, Harry threw a shocking blast at his brother as he worried about foreshadowing their complicated future relationship.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana introduce baby Harry to the world

He begins to demonstrate the inner confusion Harry faced when he was a very young boy.

The family was traveling from London to Gloucester for a weekend more than thirty years ago, when the two boys started fighting.

The incident was heard by Ken Wharfe, a longtime royal protection officer, who was appalled at what he heard.

“Diana would always take the two boys to High Grove in Gloucestershire. On this particular occasion, Diana was driving, I was sitting in the front, William and Harry in the back,” explains Ken in the Channel 5 documentary Prince Harry: The Troubled Prince.

Princess Diana wanted her children to be treated equally

“They clearly got off to a bad start because they were arguing before we left.”

The young princes’ babysitter had to be a referee while the boys argued in the back seats of the car.

While fighting between children is not a cause for concern, Ken was surprised by Harry’s sudden outburst.

Ken explains, “Harry out of nowhere said, ‘William, one day you will be king, I won’t, it doesn’t matter, so I can do whatever I want.'”

Ken Wharfe witnessed the boys arguing in the back of the car

Princess Diana was said to be surprised by the comment and asked where Harry got it from.

Digging deeper into the meaning behind the controversial comment, journalist Richard Kay admits there are two ways to look at it.

He says, “You can take that comment in two ways. It can indicate envy if you like William to have this great future as king.

“But there is also an element of: ‘I am free, I am going to choose my own role in life.'”

Prince Harry faced very unique challenges as a royal youth, which were very different from those that preceded his older brother.

“On paper, Prince Harry’s start in life was incredibly privileged and fortunate,” says broadcaster Daisy McAndrew.

“But in reality, being born as the younger brother of the future King of England is a very difficult position to be born. They are known as the disgusting.”

Without a younger brother, Prince Harry had no one to relate to within his family’s inner circle.

Harry and William had different roles to play

“I think being the replacement for the heir is a role that has inherent problems,” says Katie Nicholl, royal correspondent at Vanity Fair.

“The role of Prince William has always been defined. What he is going to do has always been clearly outlined.

“Harry, as historically spared in the royal family, has had to find a role for himself.”

While the young princes were aware of their unequal positions, their parents wanted to raise them in the same way.

Diana made sure that her children were treated equally

Diana was well aware that she wanted the palace to treat children equally and to give Harry every opportunity that was given to William.

But there were more high-ranking members of the royal family who did not believe this was correct.

“Prince Charles shared Diana’s concerns about making sure children shared things in their early years.

“But surely the oldest members of the royal family in private said, ‘This is pointless. William is the future. All our efforts must go to educate William.’

“It was William the Queen who would invite to reign classes when he was at Eton and she was at Windsor Castle.”

The Queen Mother had a very close bond with William

Harry was drastically treated differently from his brother by the Queen Mother, who had a much more personal relationship with William.

“He was always less than his brother,” admits real biographer Angela Lewin.

“The late Queen Mother always invited Prince William to tea and spoke to her about her future and did not invite Prince Harry.”

Richard Kay adds: “The Queen Mother always made sure that Prince William was sitting in a prominent seat next to her and Harry never was.”

Queen Elizabeth II
The Queen Mother celebrating her 92nd birthday surrounded by her family.

The boys had a close bond as they grew up and missed being separated from each other as Harry joined the army.

Even when William married Kate, they became a trio and were often seen together at real events.

But things changed for Harry when the couple started having children and he wanted to start his own family, committing to Meghan Markle in 2017.

“One of the things that unquestionably had negatively affected the relationship between Harry and William, which were so close for so many years, was a series of rumors after the wedding,” says royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams.

“William expressed doubts to Harry about whether he was too fast to commit to Meghan.”

Meghan and Harry’s engagement supposedly caused friction

The real expert this morning, Camilla Tominey, says: “There was a brotherly discussion that I think was expressed out of concern for William, but was misinterpreted as a lack of support.

“Things were said and done before the wedding that both parties regret but caused irreparable damage.”

Katie Nicholl adds: “Clearly, there are unsolved problems and a distance between the two brothers that has never been there before.”

In 2019, the royal homes broke up and Harry stepped out to address the rumors of a rift, admitting that they were on “different roads” and saw each other less, but would always be there for each other.

The royal family has been divided.

The documentary also looks at how the public collapse of Harry’s parents’ marriage affected him.

Charles and Diana separated in 1992, with details of their marital difficulties and matters that were broadcast in public.

Angela Lewin says: “For the children to hear both parents appear on television at separate times to admit that they have affairs and to say how unhappy they were, with the two children in boarding school, can you imagine how terrible it must have been for them? Very embarrassing. Not very sure. “

Harry found it difficult to be shared between parents without a permanent home, living in Kensington Palace with Diana, then Clarence and High Grove with Charles.

Royal experts and pundits lift the lid on Prince Harry’s inner turmoil, revealing how troubles from his past brought him on his current path.

The documentary examines whether, after having lived a life of privilege, Harry has first world problems.

Or was he expected to suffer in silence in an institution famous for having a stiff upper lip? living a life

* Prince Harry: The Troubled Prince is available on My5
