Prince Harry and Meghan Markle can never completely sever their royal ties

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They’ve spent a couple of weeks on the beige walls of Tyler Perry’s Beverly Hills mansion where Prince Harry and Meghan are staying. As the backdrop for many of Sussexes’ video messages and calls, it is the place where the global spotlight this fortnight has been firmly trained as the couple have made two major digital appearances. The first was a discussion on “fairness, justice and equal rights” with the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust on July 6. Just a few days later, on July 14, Meghan delivered a keynote address at the UN Girl Up Virtual Leadership Summit.

Both appearances generated an avalanche of stories and comments, and had the increasingly familiar effect of polarizing opinion. Harry, who remains president of the Queen of the Commonwealth Trust despite stepping back as a royal, spoke about the Commonwealth’s need to “recognize the past” before it can move forward: “Many people have made An incredible job of acknowledging the past and trying to correct those mistakes, but I think we all recognize that there is still a lot to do, ”he said.

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Critics, particularly in the UK, criticized the Prince for his comments. The choice of words was described by an MP as “not appropriate”, according to Online mailWhile in other places historians and commentators questioned the Prince’s understanding.

But others applauded this recognition of Britain’s tense colonial past. “Too often, the Commonwealth appears to have denied its past, preferring to see itself as an organization united by shared values ​​rather than by historical accident,” wrote Philip Murphy, director of the Institute for Commonwealth Studies, for The independent. He added that some of the criticism of Harry was “quite condescending.”

In fact, far from taking the conversation in an unwanted direction, the Prince’s remarks were exactly what the discussion was about. Driven by an open letter to Commonwealth institutions from a youth group, the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust (of which the Queen is a patron) has started a conversation about how colonization and past injustices should shape the organization’s future. . The letter shared requests and suggestions on how “the community as an entity should recognize and speak about our shared stories of the colonial conquest and the pain, suffering and subjugation to which our nations and peoples have been subjected.”

But, in a world where much of what the Sussexs say and do is seen through the lens of their decision to abandon their real roles, the narrative that prevailed was one in which Harry’s words put him at odds with the institution.

And then when Meghan spoke for several minutes in a speech (down, around the mark 1:20:00) Addressed to young women on equality and the fight for a fairer world, there were many ways to apply the message to their own situation. His description of drowning out “negative voices” reminded him of the criticism (and hate online) he received. Similarly, the talk of challenging the status quo generated comparisons of how she and Harry have constantly tried to do things their way.

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The speech was the subject of thousands of stories around the world, emphasizing the fact that interest in the couple and their work has not waned since they retreated as members of royalty. Although there is a common saying from critics on social media that they are less relevant or interesting now that they are no longer part of the real machinery, that would seem to disagree with the fact that they still generate as much debate and as many stories as they ever do. once they did.

Whatever people think of the Sussexs, they certainly like to talk about them.

Harry and Meghan have taken the royal family, the media, and the public into unknown territory with their decision to move away from real life. They have regressed not in search of a totally private life (as some mistakenly claim they wanted) but for a different kind of public life. A public life where they can have more control over who has access to them and where they spend their time.

In their new endeavors, Harry and Meghan will not qualify as real, but it is impossible to erase the ties that, in Harry’s case, last a lifetime. They retain some royal endorsements, they have a great profile that exists because of the royal family and, more importantly, the royal family it is his family.

Some people may find it disturbing to leave an institution with such a clear structure and a definite purpose for doing it alone. Others may question how successfully the Sussex will be able to clearly shape a new and lasting identity. But, according to those familiar with their work, Harry and Meghan have no doubts about what their purpose is now. “They are practical, they work tirelessly on developing their new nonprofit Archewell, and it is giving them a lot of energy,” says a source familiar with the couple’s plans. T&C.

“They want to see positive and substantive changes happen in this world, and they want to raise the voices and platforms of dynamic and diverse leaders of all kinds who are already making that change a reality. They want to focus on supporting and strengthening the community. In many ways, what people have been seeing is that Archewell is already on the move. And there is much to come. ”

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