Potential harms of intermittent fasting

Studies have found, for example, that overweight adults lose more weight and their cardiovascular risks improve more when they eat breakfast, a modest lunch, and a light dinner, compared to when they ate breakfast and a large dinner.

“It could be that the benefits of a time-restricted diet are less than we thought, or you get better results when you eat the day before,” said Courtney Peterson, a researcher at the University of Birmingham Eating in Alabama, who was not involved in the fast and the new study. . “The jury is still out.”

Many cultures around the world practice fasting for religious or spiritual reasons. But small studies have suggested that it promotes longevity and a wide range of metabolic benefits, such as improved cholesterol profiles and a reduction in insulin resistance. Fasting became popular for health reasons. Some other common types of intermittent fasting are alternate day fasting, in which followers do not eat more than 500 calories every other day, and a 5: 2 diet, which is usually five days a week and two fasts.

Many people, however, have difficulty eating little or no food throughout the day. Krista Varadi, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois at Chicago, has found in her research that people lose less weight with time-restricted eating than with other forms of fasting, but generally accepting fasting is the easiest way. “People eat 300 to 500 calories a day when they limit themselves to an eight-hour window,” said Dr. Varadi, who was not involved with the new research.

“The best part is that there are no limits during the window.” “There’s no carb or calorie count, and people don’t have to turn all the food into their pantry.”

Dr Varadi said she plans to start a full-year study of time-restricted diets in the near future. “I find it interesting that this diet has become so popular and there are so few studies.”

After learning about research, Dr. Weiss became interested in limited time eating which showed that rats provided access to high-fat foods, high-sugar foods became fat and sick, while mice that ate the same food in eight-one. The daily hourly window was protected against obesity and metabolic disease. Dr. Weiss found in his own experience that it is not very difficult to skip breakfast and eat between 8 p.m.