Potential coronavirus vaccine targets final test

Researchers reported Tuesday that an experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by the National Institutes of Health and Moderna Inc. is headed for its final testing stage on July 27.

At the end of the month, a possible vaccine against the new coronavirus, named “COVID-19” by the World Health Organization, will go through the final tests on 30,000 volunteers. “No matter how this is cut, this is good news,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, an infectious disease expert with the US government. Associated Press.

According to the work published in the New England Journal of MedicineThe first stage was a remarkable success: In their initial human trials, 45 people were injected with the vaccine and carefully monitored. Those individuals developed “neutralizing antibodies” at levels comparable to those that survived coronavirus infection.

“This is an essential element that is needed to move forward with trials that could really determine if the vaccine protects against infection,” said study leader Dr. Lisa Jackson of the Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute in Seattle.

Flu-like side effects common to many vaccines were observed, including injection site pain, fatigue, headache, chills, and fever. Three participants who received the highest dose experienced the most severe effects, but that dose is not intended for use outside of the test setting. Instead, the vaccine would be administered in two separate injections, one month apart.

Dr. William Schaffner, a vaccine expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, called the side effects “a small price to pay for protection against COVID,” and said he considers the test results “a good first.” step “to make the vaccine available from the start. from 2021. Still, he is cautious about jumping the proverbial weapon: “It would be wonderful. But that assumes that everything is working on time. “

In response to the results, Moderna’s share price rose nearly 15%. Shares of the Massachusetts company have quadrupled in value since the beginning of the year. And while this next test stage for the Modern vaccine will be the biggest test yet, the Oxford, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer vaccines are vying to catch up. Dr. Fauci said that he supports all efforts towards a solution.

“People think, ‘This is a race for a winner.’ Me, I am encouraging each one of them, ”said Fauci. “We need multiple vaccines. We need vaccines for the world, not just for our own country. “