Possible to prove paradox-free time travel by a student of Phys Dix

The rules of time-travel have been debated for many years by scientists and scientific fans, but now a student of physics will be able to “square” numbers to show how contradiction-free time travel is possible. This means that while one must be able to travel through time, the terrifying butterfly effect may not be as inevitable as fear – but it does not mean that the time-traveler still cannot cope with unintended consequences. In the published peer-reviewed paper, in classical and quantum gravity, the University of Queensland student, German Tober, along with the university’s professor of physics, Fabio Costa, discovered in mathematics that “there is a logically possible difference in our universe without any contradictions.”

The math involved in all of this is enough to make Will Hunting bruise his head, but Tober, like a different Matt Demon character, is able to “shit science” from the theory of how he can travel any time without taking on the difficult logical contradictions. Making many science-fiction protagonists.One such example is the so-called grandfather paradox, in which his paper says, “A time traveler can kill his own grandfather and therefore prevent his own birth, which can lead to logical inconsistencies.” Or, going back in time to prevent someone from getting a COVID-19 epidemic, then the Knicks will be gone for the same reason why they travel through time. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Avengers aint for me either.

Costa said, “This is a paradox – an anomaly that often leads people to think that time cannot travel in our universe,” some physicists say it is possible, but logically difficult to accept because it is no Will also affect our freedom to create. Arbitrary action. That means you can travel, but you can’t do anything that causes conflict. “

Tober basically said, grab my beer and go on proving that, in principle, one can travel through time, act with free will, and produce no such logical contradiction.

Because of the contradictions between classical dynamics and Einstein’s theory of relativity, Tober’s paper calculates how a closed time-like curve (CTC) is not only consistent with the local ‘free choice’ of certainty and operation, but also rich in scenarios and dynamic processes. And with a diverse range. “

Or, as Pa Mechan Pular Mechanics relates, “only two pieces of the whole scenario in CTC will remain in ‘working order’ until you depart, the rest being subject to local independent will.”

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Tober’s calculations show that theoretically one can travel time and exercise free will in such a way that they keep going back in time. But he may wish they never had time-travel to begin with:

“In the zero example of a coronavirus patient, you can prevent the patient from being infected with Zero, but by doing so you will catch the virus and the patient will become Zero, or someone else will. No matter what you do, the main events will only recover around you. To avoid, try as much as possible to create contradictions, events will always adjust themselves. “

In the words of those respected time travel experts, Bill S. Preston, Esq. And Ted “Theodore” Logan: Bogus!

For more science coverage, learn about the probability of life on Venus, evidence of a parallel universe where time runs back, why the moon is rusting, and the discovery of underground lakes on Mars.