Possible fable Twitter accounts and perfect dark placeholder found [Update]

With Microsft set to show a first-part title next month, these could be placeholders for a Fable and Perfect Dark Game without warning.

Fable and Perfect dark fans might be lining up to receive good news anytime soon if these place accounts have any truth behind them.

The Verge’s Tom Warren posted that two possible Twitter placeholder accounts have been created for both of them Fable and Perfect dark. In addition to that, he noted that a Microsoft Xbox employee is following one of the accounts while the other is registered at a Microsoft email address.

In addition to the conversation, someone in the comments mentioned that both accounts are registered in what appear to be Microsft’s email addresses. Cleverly, they tried to reset the password for the accounts, which in turn displayed part of the emails in which the accounts were also registered.

This is a pretty interesting rumor / leak / whatever you want to call it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before. I’m usually used to being leaked by Walmart Canada or the game leaking on Amazon. A temporary placeholder Twitter account followed by an Xbox employee and possibly also managed by Microsoft employees is new to me. Please let me know if this has happened before

Obviously nothing has been confirmed so far and this could all be just speculation or someone trying to create a fake leak. So, be sure to take all of this with a large grain of salt. However, if it is fake, I have to give you some important accessories because it is definitely interesting.

[UPDATE]Aaron Greenberg has commented and stated that these accounts were created years ago and it is standard practice to secure social media for all of your intellectual property. It was fun while it lasted.