Zena, through tears, finishes with André


The couple started the day tense with another discussion, this time over the letters exchanged between the contestants. After exchanging several criticisms and in addition to the Madeiran believing that her boyfriend does not accept her personality, she accused him of focusing only on the negative aspects and only seeing evil in her. WomanSaturated, he declared: “I will not continue in this situation.”

“You do not you know to love»Said the Madeiran. «If this is what you want, finished! » concluded Woman. Madeira took refuge alone in the garden crying and, after André joined her, she mentioned again that her boyfriend makes her feel bad and said: “I don’t want this for me.”

The musician said, “I didn’t want this to happen” and, after a long period of conversation. The couple could not resolve the situation in another way and Zena asked the musician to leave her alone and the ending seems obvious.

Is this really the end of the official couple at Ericeira’s house?

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