You smoke DGS has recommendations for you on Covid-19


A DirectionGeneral Health (DGS) published on social networks, this Thursday afternoon, recommendations on tobacco during the pandemic and the times we are going through. “At the height of pandemic Special attention is needed, since smoking can increase the risk of contracting Covid-19 “, Explain.

The first point highlighted by the health authority is that “smoking lowers immunity and promotes infections pulmonary. “ Don’t forget also that “the gesture of putting the cigarette in your mouth increases the risk of contamination” and that you should wash your hands before and after “killing this addiction”.

There is still a need for disinfect often “heated tobacco and cigarette kits electronics with a solution based on alcohol.

A DGS stresses that it cannot “never” share the cigarette you are smoking, be it the so-called ‘normal’, electronics or heating

However, the best indication is this: stop smoking. “Quitting smoking improves your cardiovascular and respiratory capacity and increases your ability to defend yourself from Covid-19 “he says DGS. “If you are a former smoker, don’t smoke again.”

Finally, remember that “when someone smokes, everyone smokes around you.”

See, below, the publication of Direction-General of Health on this topic.

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