“You are not a criminal”: Valentina’s father’s teacher remembers a “needy” and “educated” former student – Portugal


Sandro Bernardo is in the “mouth of the world” after being accused of beating his own daughter, little Valentina, to death, in collusion with the girl’s partner and stepmother, in Peniche. This Tuesday, he is in Leiria’s court where he is being questioned about the crime.

Helena Marques, the suspect’s former teacher, used Facebook to remember him and question the tremendous tragedy.

“What happened to your life, Sandro Bernardo? You are not a criminal and I am sure of that! There is a sensitive and needy heart there! So why? No one knows, not even you …” You shouldn’t have done it. Done, you know! Now you are in jail, you are crushed by a whole country that does not know you and judges you as if they were all immaculate and untouchable. “I was SO SAD, Sandro. I can’t help but feel that the blame for your daughter being dead right now also goes through me!” Wrote the Physical-Chemical Science teacher, who remembers the 7th grader who taught in the year 2001/2002, in the School of 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle of Peniche.

The teacher describes Valentina’s father as a student for whom she always had “great sympathy for being so polite and respectful”, but also “needy and somewhat” frustrated “for being the oldest in the class”, and by then she had some withholdings. “Victim of a story like so many others and without being able to do anything against a society that was already so cruel to him,” shoots the publication, meanwhile removed from Facebook.

The body of Valentina, who had been missing since Thursday in Peniche, was found by the PJ on Sunday. Following this investigation, the father and stepmother were arrested as the primary suspects in the crime.
