WWE and AEW may return to the public next week


The United States of America, despite being one of the countries that suffers the most from the coronavirus pandemic, several states of the country are beginning to want to resume their normal lives.

And one of the states that will start to open again is the state of Florida, the state where the WWE Performance Center is located and also the AEW host city, Jacksonville.

And according to the plan outlined by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, WWE and AEW, they will be able to have an audience starting next week.

Governor Ron DeSantis explained that the state of Florida would return to normal with a plan that consists of three phases and in the first phase of that plan that will begin on May 4, it is said that sporting events can return to activity, provided that they follow all the safety standards imposed and that they have a limit of 25% of the number of people who can normally be in the arena.

Now WWE and All Elite Wrestling are part of these sporting events with an audience, so we can get fans back to the arena from May 4.

However, this return of the public may not occur for now, as the two companies have several events recorded, which means that we can have a few more weeks of WWE and All Elite Wrestling with no audience present in the arenas.

Do you think this public return to events is too early? And do you think WWE and AEW will not use their recorded programs and will do it again, but this time live and in front of arenas with 25% of the audience?
