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Thirty-seven users and nine employees of the Bom Jesus dos Mareantes house in Caminha are infected with the new coronavirus, the mayor said today.

In statements to the Lusa agency, Miguel Alves explained that the positive cases were known today, after having tested, on Friday, the 63 users and 36 employees of the institution.

“The institution has 37 positive and 26 negative users. Nine employees tested positive and 27 negative. Of all these people, only one patient has been hospitalized since Thursday, “said the socialist mayor.

Miguel Alves said that “the families of the positive users have been informed,” and that “measures are underway to reinforce the security and isolation conditions of the users.”

“Positive users are already separated from the rest. The management and employees of the institution are doing a good job, but you never know how the situation may evolve, ”he emphasized.

Miguel Alves has guaranteed that “the management of the house, the City Council and the City Council of Caminha are in permanent contact and collaboration to try to stop the evolution of the outbreak”.

The mayor warned that “if the month of October was bad for Caminha, with the number of cases tripling, compared to the accumulated of the previous months, in which the average was five cases a day, November could be worse.”

We have 10 new cases per day, not counting the cases of the home ”, he reinforced.

Miguel Alves appealed “to comply with the measures ordered, but also to individual responsibility.”

“We know that 70% of the cases in the municipality of Caminha originate from parties, family lunches or meetings after work. It’s time for everyone to realize that our attitude counts. For the better, but also, unfortunately, for the worse ”, he stressed.

Six of the 10 municipalities in the Viana do Castelo district are on the list of 121 municipalities that present a high risk of transmission of covid-19. In addition to Caminha, Viana do Castelo, Valença, Ponte de Lima, Paredes de Coura, Vila Nova de Cerveira were considered high-risk municipalities.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 1.2 million deaths in more than 49.3 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

In Portugal, 2,848 people died from 173,540 confirmed cases of infection, according to the most recent bulletin from the Directorate General of Health.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.
