Wood with eight new positive cases of covid-19


Today there are 8 new positive cases to report in Madeira, so the Region now has 455 confirmed cases of covid-19 in the regional territory. These are 5 imported cases (4 from Lisbon and Vale do Tejo and 1 from France) and 3 cases of local transmission, all linked to positive cases.

Now, according to the daily IASaúde bulletin, until November 1, 1,915 notifications of suspected cases of covid-19 were counted in RAM, of which 1,460 were not confirmed.

The bulletin also reports that today there are two more recovered cases to report, increasing to a cumulative 282.

We regret that today the first death associated with covid-19 was registered in the Region. This is a 97-year-old patient, resident in the municipality of Funchal, who presented several comorbidities and was admitted to the multipurpose unit dedicated to COVID-19 at the Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital since 10/27.

At this time, 172 are active cases, of which 147 are imported cases identified in the context of surveillance activities implemented at the Madeira International Airport and 25 are cases of local transmission. Regarding the residence of active cases, 129 are non-residents and 43 are residents of the archipelago.

Regarding the isolation of active cases, 76 people are isolated in a dedicated hotel unit, 95 in their own accommodation and 1 person is interned in the Multipurpose Unit dedicated to

Regarding the cases of local transmission identified today, IASaúde points out that one of the confirmed cases is a contact with an imported case, previously diagnosed in the Region, which had been in prophylactic isolation for more than 7 days.

And there are two new confirmed cases, which contacted a traveler from the North, who tested positive for covid-19, after a short stay in RAM. The epidemiological investigation of these cases has already begun.

It should be noted that the epidemiological investigation of the case of a health professional affiliated with SESARAM, confirmed yesterday, has so far determined the identification of seven contacts, who have been tested with covid-19 and remain in prophylactic isolation. Four of these contacts have already tested negative and three are awaiting results.

In total, there are 52 new situations that are currently being studied by the health authorities, 23 from the airport control operation and 29 related to contacts with positive cases or situations reported to the SRS24 line.

The respective epidemiological investigations are ongoing.

In the national total, Portugal today registers 3,062 more cases and 37 deaths from covid-19 in the last 24 hours. According to the epidemiological situation report released by the General Directorate of Health (DGS), there are 2,122 hospitalized patients, of which 284 are in intensive care. In the accumulated result, the country has 144,341 confirmed cases of contagion by the new coronavirus and 2,544 deaths.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed almost 1.2 million deaths and more than 46 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.
