Wood with 8 new positive cases of covid-19 – DNOTICIAS.PT


According to the Epidemiological Bulletin issued by IASAÚDE, today there are 8 new positive cases of Covid-19 to report in the Region, with the result that Madeira already has 504 confirmed cases. These are 6 imported cases (2 from the United Kingdom, 2 from Germany, 1 from Spain and one from the North of Portugal) and 2 cases of local transmission.

“As for the 2 cases of local transmission confirmed today, they refer to a professional from SESARAM, EPERAM, who was under study yesterday, and a health professional, assigned to a private unit in the pharmaceutical area. In the 2 cases, potential risky contacts with travelers from outside of RAM were identified, epidemiological investigations are ongoing. “In the context of the epidemiological investigation of previously identified positive cases, COVID-19 tests are ongoing, without even the moment new positive cases have been identified.

In total, there are 30 new situations that are being studied today by the health authorities, 12 from the airport control operation and 20 related to contacts with positive cases or situations reported to the SRS24 line. Epidemiological investigations are ongoing.

IASAÚDE highlights that today there are 23 more recovered cases to report. Thus, the Region now has 316 recovered cases of Covid-19, with the record of 1 death associated with the disease.

Thus, there are 187 active cases, of which 150 are imported cases identified in the context of surveillance activities implemented at the Madeira airport and 37 are cases of local transmission. Regarding the residence of active cases, 131 are non-residents and 57 are RAM residents.

Regarding the isolation of active cases, 84 people are isolated in a dedicated hotel unit, 100 in their own accommodation and 3 people are hospitalized in the Multipurpose Unit dedicated to COVID-19.

To date, 586 contacts of positive cases are under surveillance by the health authorities of the different municipalities of the Region. As for travelers, 13,842 people are also being accompanied by the authorities, using the MadeiraSafe application.
