Wood with 26 new boxes of covid-19 – DNOTICIAS.PT


According to the Regional Health Directorate, Madeira today registers 26 new cases of covid-19, so the Region now has 8,047 confirmed cases of infection.

These are 26 cases of local transmission, most of which are already associated with positive case contacts.

Currently, there are 623 active cases, of which 19 are imported cases and 604 are locally transmitted.

Regarding the isolation of active cases, it should be noted that 22 people are hospitalized at the Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital (17 people in Polyvalent Units and five in the Intensive Care Unit dedicated to covid-19) and 11 people are in isolation in a dedicated hotel unit, the rest staying in their own accommodation.

At this time, there are 103 situations under study by the health authorities, these are related to travelers identified at the airport, contacts with positive cases or other situations reported to the SRS24 line or SESARAM.

There are still 58 more recovered cases to report, so the Region now has 7,356 cases of people who recovered from the disease.

At the moment, Madeira has 68 deaths associated with the disease.
