“Women are not funny things.” Chico painted his lips for Marisa and Bloco kept hitting Ventura – Observer


On the Capitol stage in Lisbon, there were two ‘Ms tonight, one of which was the pulpit, unlike the other rallies where there was only one. Coincidence or not, Marisa Matias dedicated the night to women, victims of domestic violence and all those who were already afraid. More than that, the candidate for Belém, who had only commented on André Ventura’s insults, refined her speech to respond to the Chega leader.

The MEP recalled the figures: every week a woman is killed or the victim of attempted murder, every day a woman is raped. It is, he says, “the tip of iceberg daily violence against women ”.

“And that’s why when a man insults a woman by calling her a ‘joke’ for wearing red lipstick, he has the response he deserves. Women are not funny things. They are people to fight. And yes, eye to eye and head up, these women are already defeating those who want to humiliate them, but they will continue to defeat more ”, he shoots.

Without ever mentioning the name of André Ventura, Marisa Matias says that the opponent is “afraid of this red that walks towards Belém” and justifies the lack in the radio debate “because he learned these days that solidarity conquers fear”.

Marisa Matias read one by one the names of the women murdered in Portugal in 2020. She read 27 names and recalled the “21 children who were orphaned”. Excited, she left the certainty that she wants to be a President who “knows and does not forget the name of each woman” and that, on top of that, she promised that “she will always intervene” so that “no woman in this country is afraid of being one” .

“Anyone who thinks red lipstick is useless is wrong. It was and is a symbol of struggle. A fight against all humiliations. Against fear. Full equality and freedom, respect ”, he added. In the speech, there was still time to quote ‘O Cravo’, by Maria Velho da Costa.

Marisa Matias received support from the other side of the ocean: Chico Buarque. The Brazilian artist appeared in a short video with a red lipstick in his hand and wishing that red would reach Belém, an expression that became the slogan of the campaign of the candidate supported by the Bloco de Esquerda.

In the end, she assumed that she felt like a child after a video call with the Brazilian musician where she thanked him for the video and promised to go to Brazil.

The virtual meeting of the Capitol also saw the First Lady with a musical show, Lúcia Moniz, Pedro Filipe Soares and Pilar del Rio. The journalist and writer promised to paint her lips red, even under the mask, on the day of going to vote for one. “Progressive woman”, in the name of “freedom and against the extreme right.”

As has been happening daily, Marisa Matias has had strong names from the Esquerda Bloc on stage and it was the turn of the parliamentary leader. Pedro Filipe Soares came to the stage to ask that those who believed that these elections were going to be “counted beans” be disillusioned.

It was time for the blocker’s defense to raise the attack on Ventura, the man who felt that, he says, “was not worth debating.” “As he knew that he was going to become unmarked, he disappeared”, continues Pedro Filipe Soares, while affirming that “the good Portuguese do not want dictatorships, they know how to value democracy, they do not like insults or those that escape debate”. “Seriously, it is the one who says what he has to say face to face” and not the one who presents a “theater” with “false supporters”, who makes “dinners where health standards are not respected” or “who insults or threatens journalists”. “We thought of that empty chair of the far-right candidate and we realized that, ‘for Ventura’, it was that empty chair in which he was most faithful, true to himself because he did in the debate what he did in Parliament, he missed, and he did to the debate what he does in politics, he flees from the contradictory and from the responsibilities ”, he accused.

From the debate, and after all these conclusions, Pedro Filipe Soares only has one doubt: “How is it that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa continues to insist that he will take possession of a government that depends on the extreme right as long as there is an agreement on letterhead ? “

The parliamentary leader accuses the current president of the Republic of not having “limits” to make “the right come to power.” That is, it says, “between selfies and hugs is not a white label, it has a right-wing character and a power project on the horizon, of which Chega is also a part ”.

“They are not all the same and this election is not counted,” he said, praising the importance of the candidacy of Marisa Matias.

Chair yes, chair no, a cloth with the word ‘reserved’ in the São Jorge Cinema room. The brands are from the time when cultural activities reopened after the first confinement. Now, nobody can sit in those chairs anymore, whether or not there is a ‘reserved’ indication. Marisa Matias returned to the Manoel de Oliveira room, where the campaign began, and took the stage that is empty these days, together with the actor João Monteiro and Catarina Côdea, a technician in the entertainment area.

In this phase of unknowns, concerts and plays have been canceled and rescheduled, but João says that there is no “rule” in payments, there are those who pay for all the plays, there are those who pay part, or even those who do not. In Catarina’s case, for example, she saw a show scheduled for January that was postponed, but she received 50% and “then, if there is at the end of the year, they will pay another 70%.” However, there are situations when you will not receive a refund.

The technician believes that he is among the people who will be covered by the new support, with 438 euros. Last year he received support from Social Security. However, he worked in October and November and has a “benefit of 140 euros for the next three months of social security” and the usual IRS discounts. They are less than 300 euros to live. The months without culture were “strange and difficult”, says Catarina, even when there was an attempt to return to normality “it did not happen for everyone, nor did it happen in June”.

If it was from September that “some things began to happen”, the times with shows “lasted very little.” But the lack of support is not new, Catarina warns. “I always felt unprotected, there was never protection for the self-employed and now that it was necessary to have support, they were clearly insufficient to have a decent life,” he says.

Marisa Matias agrees, has said it several times, and warns that “the State cannot be saving money at the expense of the commitments that were made and must guarantee support so that people can survive.” They are “two minimum tasks” in a context “very marked by the precariousness that worsened with the pandemic.”

There is a “lack of response from the culture sector” because the support “was late and when they arrived it was insufficient.” Despite admitting that there is a reinforcement at this stage, the Belém candidate makes it clear that these “do not reach everyone.” Furthermore, the funds “should already be included in the State Budget.”

As she climbed the stairs of the iconic Lisbon space, Marisa Matias noticed the solidarity posters on the walls. Catarina has no doubt that these helps were essential, but also the support of family and friends. “At the beginning of the pandemic there were many people joining, we had the Cooperative Action website that was receiving food and we have the Audiovisual Union that continues to work and distribute food to several families,” says the technician in the area. The show, which says that solidarity also came through social media and by many people who realized the seriousness of the situation. At this stage, União Audiovisual also offers psychological support.

Even before the Council of Ministers, and without knowing the measures of the Government, Marisa Matias recalled the words of the previous day, insisting that there was “little preparation by the Government for the second and third waves” and also by the Presidency of the Republic. because the third wave was “underestimated”. The MEP considers that the “biggest defect” continues to be the “total mismatch between the demand that is asked of people and the support that is being given.”

Marisa Matias rejects the idea of ​​a “moderation” greater than five years ago. “The scenario changes and the sentence is the same, against fear and panties,” he shot, after having guaranteed in 2016 that she was “the dangerous candidate for panties, dangerous for sadness, dangerous for fatality”, of “Panties that are the kings of realistic politics.”
