Without guests and without tables and with half of the delegates, this will be the PCP Congress | COVID-19


Delegates to the 21st PCP congress will obey strict rules to enter and circulate in the Paz y Amistad pavilion in Loures, and will only have chairs to sit on without tables, a party source told Lusa.

The delegates, who have already been reduced by half (about 600) as a way to adapt the congress of November 27, 28 and 29 to the rules to contain the covid-19 pandemic, will be distributed around the pavilion, including the banks , respecting the safety distances.

The only ones at the tables will be the executive bodies that will sit at the conference table, added the same source.

There will be entry, circulation and exit circuits for delegates and party leaders.

In addition to reducing the number of delegates, from 1200 (in 2016) to about 600, the PCP chose not to have guests to reduce the number of people in congress, in the midst of a pandemic, and which has already begun to be criticized for the parties. on the right.

Today, the general secretary of the PCP promised that the XXI National Congress, within eight days, will be exemplary in terms of preventive measures for covid-19.

“The President of the Republic did not hinder or raise doubts or difficulties in relation to its implementation [do congresso comunista]”, Jerónimo de Sousa guaranteed, after leaving an audience at the Belém Palace, adding that there has been a connection with the General Directorate of Health in the preparation of the event.

The XXI National Congress of the PCP will be held on November 27, 28 and 29, 2020 at the Pavilhão Paz e Amizade, in Loures, under the slogan “Organize, fight, advance – Democracy and socialism.”
