Without dreams! The “impact” of the vaccine only at the end of 2021


There are other hopes besides a vaccine. Taking into account the number of new cases of COVID-19 in Portugal and in the world, the situation is very serious. It is true that the daily number of cases in Portugal has decreased slightly, but the road is still long.

With the news of the vaccines, hope for a “new normal” arose. However, until then, much remains! But there are other hopes.

COVID-19: No illusions!  Effect of the vaccine only at the end of 2021

There are other hopes besides a vaccine ...

The effects of the COVID-19 vaccine should not be felt until the end of 2021, according to several experts. This prediction is based on the huge number of vaccines that are needed around the world.

According to JN, Joaquim Ferreira, director of the Clinical Pharmacology laboratory of the João Lobo Antunes Institute of Molecular Medicine, says that in Portugal, in an initial phase, it is necessary that there be enough vaccines to inoculate approximately half of the population and achieve the effect group immunity.

In the best of cases, I would say that with the vaccination of risk groups during the first three months of the year and then all until July, August, things will only start to change radically from the summer. In October, when ideally everything will return to normal

COVID-19: No illusions!  Effect of the vaccine only at the end of 2021

Miguel Castanho, director of the Institute of Biochemistry of the University of Lisbon.

You will probably only notice if the vaccine is having an effect on the large number of pandemics next winter. Until then, it would be unwise for people not to take precautionary measures at night. When 50% of the population is immunized, this will be the critical point for the virus and the good point for us, when we will see substantial essential changes

It would be unwise to give the illusion or the expectation that this can be achieved before the end of 2021, because if everything goes as expected, perhaps the summer will pass in relative calm.

Miguel Castanho also says that vaccines at a more advanced stage, even with efficacy rates above 90%, all have "an Achilles heel: they all target the same structure of the virus and if it changes significantly, they can become obsolete."

The director of the Institute of Biochemistry also states that “there are other hopes beyond the vaccine"To change the course of the pandemic, stating that there is an" obsessive look "on this tool and that," in political discourse, the vaccine was soon adopted as a way of trying to reassure and transfer responsibility for the responsibility from the political world to the scientist. problem solving.

If each of us had a test at home that could be done as easily as a diabetic does a blood glucose test, without the need for a health technician to perform a swab, each of us would know at that moment if we could leave the house

Joaquim Ferreira recognizes that "the risk of serious adverse effects is not null" and that only one will know more about what "the vaccine can induce when more people start to be administered", but considers it "unlikely to happen".
