«Without a new stop, we leave the financial Fair Play at the end of the season» :: zerozero.pt


This Wednesday, FC Porto announced a loss of 116 million euros in the 2019/20 season, in a note sent to the CMVM, but Pinto da Costa and Fernando Gomes, respectively president and administrator of SAD, were quick to take the drama away from the situation. , recalling the special conditions in which the season took place and that the value of several transfers will only be recorded in the next fiscal year.

“If there is no new championship stoppage, we will exit Financial Fair Play at the end of this season,” said Fernando Gomes, vice president of the club and administrator of SAD.

In turn, and through a note published in the detailed Report and Accounts, Pinto da Costa recalled the sporting successes of the season, highlighting that “the events of recent months had a very negative impact” in other areas and admitting that the economic results “are not positive.”

“Even after the end of the year, however, firm steps were taken to reverse this situation, with an emphasis on the highly profitable balance of player transfers at the start of the new season without weakening the team,” said the Invicta club president. . .

Pinto da Costa’s full message:

«I have been president of FC Porto for 38 years and most people can rightly say that few things can surprise me as a sports coach. However, for me and for everyone in the world of football, 2019/2020 was a season like no other that we are used to and much more challenging than usual. Fortunately, as has happened so many times over the years, FC Porto prevailed.

In sports, this season was marked by achieving a double that few believed possible in January, when we were in second place with a considerable delay to first. The competence with which this club works, the great capacity of the technical team led by Sérgio Conceição and the talent of our squad, at least for me, were never in doubt, so the results obtained did not surprise me. Even so, the calm and effective way in which everyone knew how to face the limitations generated by the pandemic, to the point that we returned stronger from a time when all the conditions were created for the teams to be weaker, did not stop to impress me.

Despite sporting success, it is not possible to disguise that the events of recent months have had a very negative impact on other areas. The stoppage of income-generating activities for several weeks, the return of football without an audience in the stands, the impossibility of selling annual seats and boxes for 2020/2021, the more withdrawn stance of some sponsors and other partners and the caution with which The teams that are normally our clients approached the transfer market, which was only really activated several months later than usual, all this coupled with the complete disdain that football and sport were voted for by political power, reflected in economic results. they are not positive.

However, after the end of the year, however, firm steps were taken to reverse this situation, with an emphasis on the highly profitable balance of player transfers at the start of the new season without weakening the team. Thus, the conditions were created so that soon we can definitely combine economic success with sporting success that we have not lacked.
