With bazooka and vaccine, now “there really is light at the end of the tunnel”


norththe end of the last summit of the year of heads of state and government of the European Union, which started on Thursday, lasted all night and ended today at the end of the morning António Costa said that “the effort was worth it” negotiation, noting that the impasse “that threatened Europe by not having” the seven-year budget and Resilience, essential to overcome the crisis of pandemic.

The Prime Minister assured that, “more than relief”, feeling “enthusiasm” with the commitment reached, because Europe now has two fundamental instruments to overcome the crisis: “science has managed to develop a vaccine”, which will become available at the beginning of the year, and the EU has 1.8 billion bazooka. euros – made up of the multiannual budget 2021-2027 and the Recovery Fund – to face the economic and social crisis.

I think it is a message of hope and trust that all Europeans need, knowing that we are living in moments that are still very difficult, months ahead that will still be very painful, but that the light exists right at the end of the tunnel and that the tunnel is possible to go through it and overcome it, and I think this is very important for everyone“he declared.

Regarding the recovery package, Costa welcomed the fact that the European Council had finally reached the agreement concluded in July and meanwhile approved by the European Parliament “with all guarantees of respect for the values ​​of the Union, the values ​​of the rule of law”, alluding to the commitment around the Mechanism that conditions access to funds to respect for the State of Right, which was at the origin of the blockade of Hungary and Poland, now overcome.

The prime minister reiterated that the implementation of the recovery plan “will clearly be the first priority” of the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the EU, in the first half of 2021 “, together with the development of the social pillar of the EU and the affirmation of the strategic autonomy of a Europe open to the world “.

We are ready to start on 1 janeiro. Our first priority is precisely to initiate the economic recovery with two fundamental dimensions: on the one hand, to conclude with the European Parliament all the work of approval of the ‘n’ regulations that are necessary to implement the Multiannual Financial Framework, and, on the other hand On the other hand, the approval of the entire national recovery and Resilience“, said.

Recalling that Portugal was “one of the first to present” its program and pointing out that negotiations with the European Commission are already “well advanced”, Costa noted that the entire schedule for the entire process and the publication of the first sections The financial support “depends a lot on each country and on the speed with which they present their national programs”, as well as on the subsequent negotiation with the European Commission.

“I hope it goes well. And we will give all the support and commitment so that this negotiation is carried out and [os programas] can be sent to the [Conselho] Ecofin, so that they are approved and begin to be executed “(António Costa)

Finally, and remembering that “the German presidency does not end until midnight on 31 DecemberAntónio Costa also considered that the summit concluded today in Brussels allowed “to close the German presidency with a flourish”, which he thanked, “and in particular the chancellor.” [Angela] Merkel, for the way in which he conducted the destiny of the Council during these six months “.

“And I think it was a happy coincidence that we could all count on his experience, his talent, his political ability, his authority, in the most difficult time the EU has faced since the end of World War II,” he concluded.

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