Will the vaccine for the new coronavirus developed at Oxford “be ready by June”?


According to a report in the British newspaper “The Independent” on April 30, experts from the University of Oxford reported that the first results of the vaccine tests against the new coronavirus may be ready mid June. In this context, the University of Oxford recently announced a partnership with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.

the human testing The vaccine developed by the Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research, integrated at Oxford University, began in late April. This vaccine development program was funded in £ 20 million by the British government.

John BellThe Oxford University professor of medicine, in an interview with BBC Channel 4, admitted that he hopes the results in June can already be seen. The expert noted that hundreds of people have already been vaccinated and that the challenge will be produce the vaccine on a large scale Once approved. “We needed a partner for this as UK manufacturing capacity has not evolved enough. So we are going to work with AstraZeneca to improve that,” he said.

Also the pharmaceutical director, Pacal soriot, expressed his optimism. “In the middle of June or July We will already have an idea of ​​the direction that the effectiveness of the vaccine is taking. We will continue to work with the Oxford Vaccine Unit to bring the vaccine to patients and regulatory authorities. as quickly as possible“He said in an interview with the BBC.

In conclusion, even if the vaccine turns out effective (which is not yet known), none of the scientists indicated June as the date for the launch of a vaccine ready to be applied, contrary to what is suggested in the publication under analysis. The month of June is intended only to obtain the first results, as part of a long process and without guarantee of success.


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