Who was the volunteer who died during the AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine test?


João Pedro Feitosa. This is the name of the Young Brazilian who died on Monday during the Covid-19 vaccine trials developed by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, in association with the University of Oxford.

What is known about John’s death?

From what G1 was able to determine, the 28-year-old took a placebo, a substance with no adverse drug reactions that is generally used in clinical trials and is intended to relieve symptoms, not the COVID-19 immunizer. . That is, he belonged to the group of volunteers who took a placebo and not the vaccine. The purpose of this distinction is to understand the different reactions between those taking and not taking the immunizer.

However, despite the death, the independent committee accompanying the case decided that the study should continue. In the same vein, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the Brazilian health regulator and regulator, under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, clarified, in a statement, that it received data regarding the investigation that gave “the green light “for the continuity of clinical trials.

Regarding the death of the Oxford vaccine test volunteer, Anvisa was formally informed of this fact on October 19, 2020. Data related to the investigation carried out by the International Safety Assessment Committee were shared with the Agency. . It is important to note that, based on the ethical confidentiality commitments provided in the protocol, the regulatory bodies involved receive partial data on the research carried out by this committee, which suggested continuing with the study. Therefore, the process remains under evaluation. ”

Both AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford have not disclosed any details about João’s death, claiming that they cannot do so due to the confidentiality clauses to which they are subject, but the investigation continues. Anvisa used the same argument.

For this reason, Anvisa reiterates that, in accordance with national and international regulations on Good Clinical Practices, data on clinical research volunteers must be kept confidential, in accordance with the principles of confidentiality, human dignity and protection of the participants ”.

Anvisa undertakes to comply with these regulations, in order to guarantee the privacy of the volunteers and also the reliability of the country to carry out studies of such relevance “, he adds.

G1 knows, however, that João died of complications from the disease.

Who was this young volunteer?

João Feitosa was a young 28-year-old doctor who graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro last year, and since March he was working at the forefront of the fight against covid-19.

He worked in two hospitals, one public and one private, both in the north of Rio, and even worked in field hospitals.

On a note of regret, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro explained that João was an excellent student and that he even distinguished himself academically.

Carioca, João was 28 years old. He entered in 2014 and concluded the course in July 2019 with the distinction of academic dignity “Cum Laude”, when the student completes graduation at UFRJ with an accumulated income coefficient equal to or greater than 8. João obtained a final grade of 8.7 “, but not three notes.

The Rectorate of the UFRJ -together with the entire university community- offers our deepest condolences to the family and friends of our former student in the midst of that moment of sadness that took the life of João, who had just graduated and spared no effort to Act. to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic that has already accumulated more than 40 million cases worldwide “they add.

AstraZeneca began phase three trials of its potential coronavirus vaccine in Brazil in late June, according to the Federal University of São Paulo.

In September, the drugmaker temporarily halted clinical trials of the immunizer due to “a potentially inexplicable disease” in one of the patients.

The trial was resumed after the Health Agency ensured that the study did not produce “serious adverse events” in patients tested in the country.

In a schedule presented last week, the Brazilian Ministry of Health indicated that the results of the testing phase of the AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine should be finalized in November.

Brazil is the Portuguese-speaking country most affected by the pandemic and one of the most affected in the world, when it represents the second number of deaths (more than 5.2 million cases and 155,403 deaths), after the United States.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 1.1 million deaths and more than 40.8 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.
