What the parties say about the renewal of the state of emergency – Executive Digest


The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, began to listen to the parties on Tuesday about the renewal of the state of emergency. So far, the Liberal Initiative, Chega, the ENP and the PAN have been received in separate hearings on Tuesday. This Wednesday the CDS-PP, the PCP, the Left Bloc and the PSD have already been heard. Therefore, only the PS is missing.

From left to right, find out what the parties are saying about the extension of the state of emergency for another 15 days.

Liberal Initiative

The president and sole deputy of the Liberal Initiative, João Cotrim Figueiredo, said this Tuesday that the President of the Republic wants to renew the state of emergency, however, it is a legal framework to which the party has opposite, considering that it has allowed “blank checks”.

Cotrim Figueiredo also spoke out against “measures such as the curfew from 1 pm until the weekend” that, in his opinion, “do not make any sense”, and rejected an eventual total curfew, ” because it kills the economy even more. “

Asked about the measures that the party defends to stop the increase in cases, the president of the Liberal Initiative refused to advance any proposal. “With the data that I have, I will not risk a solution. The Liberal Initiative is not the type of party that thinks it has magic solutions, “he replied.


The party that André Ventura leads also will vote against The renewal of the state of emergency, reported on Tuesday the president and sole deputy of Chega. It was the second match received by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

“We are not going to make possible the state of emergency as proposed on Friday,” said André Ventura, who criticized, mainly, the restrictions imposed on the restaurant and commercial sector, which he considers “inappropriate” and “disproportionate.”

“Chega felt disappointed by the conversation he had with the Government, which took advantage of the state of emergency to impose a series of absurd restrictions, often confusing, to change them already within his execution,” criticized André Ventura, adding that the Government “ You will no longer have enough for this. “


The ‘Os Verdes’ Ecological Party considers that “the measures that the Government may take do not resort to this extreme mechanism, which is the state of emergency” and, in that sense, also will vote against its renewal on Friday, said José Luís Ferreira, the party’s parliamentary leader, on Tuesday.

“We are in favor of containment measures, but we are not following the renewal of the state of emergency,” the official stressed. José Luís Ferreira rejected any “restriction on rights, freedoms and guarantees” and argued that it was possible to contain the increase in cases by creating “safety conditions in the workplace, seriously investing in public transport” and “ensuring that students can respect the rules of physical distance ”.

As reported by the leader of the ENP, the Government is considering the possibility of distinguishing three levels for municipalities according to the severity of the pandemic, and in the most affected, with an incidence of more than 960 cases, the restrictions in force in these two purposes of week.


The People-Animals-Nature party I have not decided yet The renewal of the state of emergency is approved. The party’s leader, André Silva, told Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa that only after seeing and analyzing the presidential decree can he take a position.

Even so, André Silva considers that the state of emergency is an inevitable measure, but defended that we must rethink the restrictions on movement on weekends. “As it is at the moment, the resolution of the Council of Ministers foreseen for the rules of confinement or restriction of movements seems excessive, with respect to curfews, to confinement after 1:00 pm,” he said.

Thus, André Silva considers that this measure “should ideally take place from 3pm / 4pm, allowing lunch time at the restaurant level.” The PAN was the last game heard this Tuesday by the President of the Republic in the Palace of Belém.


The imminent renewal of the state of emergency for the CDS-PP is a matter that still needs to be clarified by the Government, so the party you still need to know the measurements in detail, since the CDS “does not write blank checks.”

After leaving the meeting with Marcelo, this Wednesday, the vice president of the CDS-PP, Filipe Lobo d’Ávila, affirmed that this “is a worrying situation” and reaffirms that “it is necessary to know what measures the Government intends to take to accompany this renewal of the state of emergency ”. “Sight sailing is obvious and in a crisis like this we cannot sight sail. The moment of making blank checks of measures that we do not know from the outset is very serious, ”he explained.

The deputy also spoke of a “lack of preparation on the part of the Government” that stands out for the “set of measures that are imperceptible to the general population and, above all, of very doubtful effectiveness.” Filipe Lobo d’Ávila also announced that this Thursday there will be a meeting with specialists, the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, at Infarmed.


After meeting with Marcelo, Jerónimo de Sousa made it clear that the PCP was right when vote against new measures of the state of emergency. “It is by way of prohibition, by way of limitation, that we try to apply these measures with all the effects they had, particularly in another dimension, which cannot be forgotten: the consequences for hundreds of thousands of workers,” the communist leader warned. .

Jerónimo de Sousa also said that “people do not understand” the preventive measures adopted. “The Portuguese must understand, the measures, the scope, the consequences must be explained. People have this affliction, they do not understand the measures and they see that their problems get worse every day,” he stressed.

The leader of the Portuguese Communist Party also drew attention to the harmful effects in areas of economic activity such as “catering, the cultural and event sector and some industries.”

Left block

The coordinator of the Left Bloc (BE), Catarina Martins, said on Wednesday that the restrictive measures presented by the Government have “lack of coherence” and must be based on scientific evidence. In this sense, BE decide your vote after reviewing the decree.

“That the restriction measures to be implemented by the Government are based on scientific evidence and are communicated to the population in a coherent manner and that the population understands. We believe that there has been a lack of coherence in the measures and in the correct communication of risk to the populations ”, said Catarina Martins at the end of the audience with the President of the Republic.

“BE will decide its vote on the analysis of the decree (of possible extension of the state of emergency), the text of the decree, as we have always done, although it is true that we understand that the measures are necessary because we have to preserve the capacity to respond to the health and right to health of the population ”, said the blocker.


The vice president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Nuno Morais Sarmento, said on Wednesday that the party “do not object “ the prolongation of the state of emergency regime, which includes restrictive measures, but asks the Government to have a “clear communication, which does not generate more confusion among the Portuguese about any of the decisions that will be taken.”

Morais Sarmento stated that “in relation to all the issues that have to do with the pandemic”, the PSD understands that “they are issues that do not allow political or partisan disputes or that seek to affirm positions.” However, the vice president of the Social Democrats stresses “that it is very important for the Portuguese to understand that the state of emergency is not a set of measures”, it is rather “an extraordinary legal framework” that allows the Government to operate during the pandemic.

The deputy also believes that “decisions must be equal for everyone.” “We do not understand that supermarkets and restaurants are closed, that Portuguese families are forced to be at home and that, for example, party congresses are held,” he added, referring to the PCP congress.

The PS has yet to be heard.

The current 15-day period of the state of emergency, which ends at 11:59 p.m. on November 23, was approved in parliament with votes in favor of the PS, PSD and CDS-PP, abstentions by the BE, PAN and Chega and votes against the PCP. PEV and Liberal Initiative.

To renew this legal framework for the adoption of the containment measures of the covid-19 for another 15 days, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa must have to listen to the Government and have the authorization of the Assembly of the Republic, a process that must be carried out until Friday.
