What motivated the raids of 30 inspectors and two magistrates in the Vila Verde Chamber


The district of Braga do Chega goes to the elections next Saturday. There are two candidates in confrontation and the atmosphere is one of war. There are exchanges of complaints, dismissals and threats of complaint in the Public Ministry. One of the candidates, Filipe Melo, accusing the president of the District Assembly Bureau of wanting to postpone the elections, made a public post on his personal Facebook page, illustrated with the Portuguese flag, in which he wrote: “It will not be a BRAZILIAN who will govern the destinies of a nationalist and patriotic Party. I will never ever allow it. Shortly after, Filipe Melo edited the publication and changed “BRASILEIRA” to “Mrs.”. The target, Cibelli Pinheiro de Almeida, resigned. Now, it is the Office of the National Convention that will conduct the district elections.

On December 1, at 9:25 p.m., Filipe Melo, who heads the Juntos Pelo Distrito candidacy, wrote on his Facebook page that the president of the Board of the Braga District Assembly wanted to “postpone the elections, scheduled to on the 5th of this month. “

Original post

“Use and abuse all arguments, because you know that defeat is imminent. They can put me in a disciplinary process for what I am going to say, I don’t care, because in my heart there is only the defense of the superior interests of the CHEGA Party, André Ventura, and Minhoto ”, the publication reads that, continuation. , says that “it will not be a BRAZILIAN who governs the destinies of a nationalist, patriotic Party.”

Just over an hour later, at 10:34 p.m., as shown by the history of Facebook edits, the candidate for the Braga district of the party of the new radical populist right changed the expression “BRASILEIRA” to “ma’am”, but kept the final shot of the text: “If this lady does not care about the future of the Party and our Leader, we will show what race we are made of.”

Modified post

The maintenance of the elections next Saturday gave rise to the creation of a public petition addressed to André Ventura and Luís Filipe Graça, president of the Bureau of the National Convention. “With the elections scheduled for December 5, between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., it is imperative that they be held effectively on that date,” reads the text that denounces the “existence of delaying maneuvers by those who they still have the responsibility of the highest body of the Braga District, behavior that makes it impossible for those who act like this to continue in their functions.

The National Convention Office assumes the election of the district

On Wednesday, on the page of the Board of the Assembly of the Braga District, Cibelli Pinheiro de Almeida resigned “for reasons directly denounced to the National Directorate and the Board of the National Convention.”

In a statement, the Board of the National Convention confirmed the request to resign from the post of president of the Board of the District of Braga. He also announced the request that the Office of the National Convention replace the District Office in organizing and conducting elections.

The elections scheduled for the Braga Youth Center, on Rua de Santa Margarida, between 09:00 and 13:00, passed, “for imperative reasons of compliance with the current public health plan,” underlines the National Convention Bureau , to the Altice Forum and with extended hours until 6:00 p.m. An amendment that responds to the wishes of Filipe Melo’s payroll, who, in response to a comment from a sympathizer, stated that he had shown “disagreement” regarding the time, considered short for all militants to vote.

Ruben Milhão’s candidacy will not appear in the elections on Saturday

Meanwhile, the Movement Mobilize with Values, headed by Ruben Milhão, announced on the page of his candidacy that “he decided not to stand in the elections scheduled for December 5, 2020.”

Ruben Milhão

The reasons were “duly communicated to the Board of the Braga District Assembly and the National Directorate” and the request is pending for “news”. Faced with a comment from a follower who questioned the reasons, the candidacy was laconic: “In due course the necessary clarifications will be made.”

Ruben Milhão ran for Chega’s leadership in the Braga district, introducing himself as “Christian, married and father of three, professional at Delta Café, with no political background, he joined the CHEGA Party last year when he ran as the third in the list. in the Braga elections for the legislatures ”.

“He accepted the challenge of defending life and family values, not only at the party, but also at the Associação Conservativa Família, in which he assumed the Vice Presidency of the Bureau in support of the Chairman of the Bureau Manuel Matias, also Chairman of the PPV”, added the note of presentation of the candidacy.

Filipe Melo announces a complaint to the Public Ministry for “attacks” by “members of the competing list”

The first district political commission in Braga do Chega was elected in early February, at a dinner at the Café Astória, in Braga. Luís Arezes, from Barcelos, assumed the presidency. In October this year he resigned, as did three members of the Assembly Board. Since then, the climate within the district has been one of open warfare, which can be confirmed by posts and comments by its activists on social media, where the party moves best.

Conflict even took the list of Filipe Melo, who has the support of the former president of the District, Luís Arezes, to issue a statement, in which he announces that he will file a criminal complaint with the Public Ministry for “attacks carried out by members of the contestant list ”. ”.

These attacks, the statement says, are “embodied in threats and the dissemination of falsehoods on social networks, as well as harassment through telephone calls and SMS, in a total lack of respect for the most basic principles by which it is due seek civility as well as ideals. because the party rules ”.

“In defense of the good name of the person and the superior interests of the party, we will proceed to the courts with the criminal complaint before the Public Ministry, a decision that is irreversible”, underlines the candidacy of Filipe Melo, defending “a positive and inclusive policy for all militants ”and refuse to“ participate in wars ”.

But the war is open. And the winner is known on Saturday.
