“What happened to your life, Sandro Bernardo?”


It was through social networks that a former teacher of Sandro Bernardo, suspected of the death of his daughter Valentina, the nine-year-old girl found dead last Sunday in a eucalyptus in Peniche, was surprised by the crime, reminding the former student and questioning your motivations

“Course 2001/2002. Escola dos 1º, 2. y 3er cycle de Peniche. I was a professor of Physical-Chemical Sciences (name of the time) (…) Today I remembered all my boys and girls of the time, I will not mention the names, but some were very “naughty”, others very quiet. Then there was number 15, Sandro Bernardo, a student for whom I always had great sympathy for being so polite and respectful towards me, ”he began writing in the publication, where he shared an old photograph of the suspect.

“Extremely needy and perhaps somewhat ‘frustrated’ by being the oldest in the class, at that time he already had some retentions. Victim of a story like so many others and unable to do anything against a society that was already so cruel to him. I offered him a book for Christmas that he read and he said that he really liked Santa Claus’ madness on his vacation in Hawaii (covered in the book). At Civic Training we have represented “Teatrinho do 7ºA” many times with small dramatizations of situations that involve aggression and disagreements among the students in the class. We designed and made soccer stadium models for the 2004 European Soccer Championship, “he recalled.

The teacher confesses the sadness she feels hearing the name of Sandro Bernardo on the news, especially after going to the “chest of memories”.

“What happened to your life, Sandro Bernardo? You are not a criminal and I am sure of that! There is a sensitive and needy heart there! Then why? No one knows, not even you … “You shouldn’t have,” you know! (…) Today when I heard your name in the news I shuddered, I doubted it and when I went to the “chest of memories” I was SO SAD, Sandro, “he added.

It is recalled that Valentina’s father and stepmother, whose body was hidden in a bush area in the Serra d’El-Rei, about six kilometers from the house of the two suspects, are strongly accused of qualified homicide, a prison sentence that can go up to 25 years of age, and from desecrating a corpse, punishable by up to two years in prison.

An autopsy carried out on the girl’s body revealed that the cause of the boy’s death was violent assault, contradicting Sandro Bernardo’s accidental thesis.

Academic year 2001/2002. Escola dos 1º, 2. y 3er cycle de Peniche. He was professor of Physical-Chemical Sciences (name of the time); …

Posted by Helena Marques on Sunday, May 10, 2020
