What ‘forgot’ the deconfiguration plan. Rt at 0.80


DAfter several months of confinement, behold, it was finally known that the plan would progressively return to normal. Prime Minister António Costa announced last night, Thursday, the plan to blur the country, which will be done with a “dropper.” Among the initial reopenings are, as of Monday, nurseries, early childhood education and 1st cycle, as well as hairdressers, manicurists, bookstores and ticket sales. The Portuguese can still leave the country again.

The plan should be executed, if all goes well, until next May 3 and you can remember it here. What about the parties, what do they have to say? Find out through this link.

According to the most recent data, issued by the DGS, Portugal registered 15 more deaths and 577 new cases. Since October 20, we have not had such a low daily death toll, a day in which there were also 15.

You can also consult, in these interactive maps, the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic in Portugal and in the world.

Follow the MINUTES here the latest news about Covid-19 in Portugal and in the World:

16h55 – THE UK registered another 175 deaths associated with Covid-19 and 6,609 new cases of contagion. In total, the country has already reported 125,343 deaths and more than 4.2 million infected people.

16h29 – The president of Chega today described the government’s plan to deconstruct the restrictions to combat Covid-19 as too staggered and generates “insecurity” and “discomfort” and suggested that there is disagreement between the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic. The president of the far-right parliamentary party made the remarks in a video recorded in the Azores, where he meets to organize local elections in September / October with local leaders.

16h18 – The Covid-19 outbreak in the house of São Martinho das Amoreiras, in Odemira, in the Beja district, which caused the death of three users, is already “out of date,” the president of the institution told Lusa today. The outbreak in the residential structure for the elderly (ERPI) of this Alentejo institution was detected on January 28 and affected 25 of the 26 home users.

16h12 – The president of the National Association of Public Health Physicians, Ricardo Mexia, considered today that the sale of self-tests to Covid-19 in pharmacies It can increase access to tests, but it should not replace other tests such as PCR.. “I imagine that there are going to be several options on the market and that they may have different sensitivities, but in general I think that these tests have important reliability because otherwise they would not enter the market and could be a complement,” he stressed. .

16h01 – This afternoon, the PSD leader He commented on the deconfiguration plan presented by António Costa, referring to agreeing in general with what was announced, but leaving a note about the schools. “The 1st cycle would be delayed 15 days, if the indicators here for 15 days allow it,” Rui Rio began, explaining that “the value of Rt (…) is decreasing but has degraded, it is close to 1. And therefore we must understand why Rt has degraded in confinement, it should have improved “.

“Now that we are going to suspect, we run the risk that Rt deteriorates even more, reaches 1 and returns to the beginning. But the truth is that the country cannot be in this permanent impasse, it is necessary to have a certain boldness and that is what what has been now In fact, the definition now as it is finally corresponds to the way we have been saying for some time “, finished.

15h42 – The PRO.VAR association regretted today that the Government has not gone further in deflation, considering that the The plan is to “hiccup” and not “interest the restaurants”, according to a statement released today. According to PRO.VAR the “The great risk of this lack of definition is that the level that allows us to work in top shape is attributed to a level considered very demanding and easily accessible, putting the restaurant sector in permanent shock, since we will see an ‘opening and closing’ every 15 days “, reads the same note.

3:38 p. M. – The expert Raquel Duarte, who participated in the indefinite proposal presented to the Government, considers the plan realistic and prudent, but stresses that it is essential that the population adhere to restrictive measures so as not to aggravate the epidemiological situation. “It is a realistic plan and a phased, cautious plan that allows us to take small steps, testing the ground and ensuring that the situation does not get worse (…). But this is only possible with the adherence of the population to the measures”, he said, about the plan presented on Thursday by the prime minister.

3:35 p. M. – Severe allergies should be added to the list of possible side effects from the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine., after identifying possible links with these reactions in the United Kingdom, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) warned today. On Thursday, the European regulator indicated that it was investigating a problem related to bleeding disorders allegedly associated with the vaccine, which led Denmark, followed by other European countries, to stop using the vaccine, but the EMA clarified that its use remains safe. .

15h27 – The Minister of Economy, Pedro Siza Vieira, said today that the The government is “working hard” to extend the expiration of bank default in sectors and companies whose resumption of activity will be slower. Since April of last year, thousands of clients have not been paying loans to banks, making use of the Government decree law that allows default on loans, created as an aid to families and companies penalized by the economic crisis triggered by the Covidea pandemic.

15h17 – TO The National Association of Social Gerontology (ANGES) today criticized the deflation plan in the Covid-19 pandemic for forgetting the reopening of day centers, warning about the impact of this situation on the elderly. “More than a year ago, people left these institutions, which they closed and did not reopen,” ANGES president Ricardo Pocinho lamented to the Lusa news agency.

15h14 – THE The average transmissibility index (Rt) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is 0.80, with all regions of the country below 1, indicating a “clear decrease in incidence”. the number of infections. According to the report of the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) published today on the epidemic curve of contagion by the new coronavirus, Portugal has a cumulative notification rate of 14 days between 60 and 119.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

15h13 – Remember it Portugal registered 15 more deaths and 577 new cases. Since October 20 we have not had such a low death toll, a day on which there were also 15. In total, and since the start of the pandemic, our country has already recorded a total of 16,650 deaths and 813,152 infections. . A note for the number of active cases which now stands at 46,732, down 5,012 compared to yesterday.

15h00 – Good afternoon, we have started a new pandemic tracking log. You can remember the previous one here.

Also read: AL MINUTO: Since October 20 there were so few deaths

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