“We really have to stop the ongoing escalation. Now ”, says the president | Coronavirus


The President of the Republic warned the country that this is the most difficult moment of the pandemic and raised the tone of the confinement, even suggesting that it could last until March.

“We really have to stop the ongoing escalation. Now, ”Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said in a statement to the country shortly after signing the decree to renew the state of emergency until February 14.

“What we all do until March, inclusive, will determine what will be the spring, the summer and, who knows, the fall,” he warned. “And everything is played in the coming weeks. Until March inclusive ”.

After being reelected on Sunday, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa returned to the country, in an authoritarian tone. He addressed the Portuguese: “We have to be stricter, more rigorous, more firm in what we do and what we do not do, stay home, go out only if it is essential and with total personal and social protection.”

And then to the Government: We need to do more tests, “vaccinate always better and faster.”

And after the opposition: “No one with common sense would want to pass hundreds or a thousand political positions, or officials, suddenly, ahead of thousands of elderly with the most serious diseases and, therefore, the most obvious priority,” he said. he said, responding directly to criticisms made, among others, by André Ventura in Parliament.

In total harmony with the Government, the President ensured “border control at entry and exit and, in self-control, the limitation of the movement of nationals outside the continent.” He justified: “If it is true that this time the wave started in the West and Portugal is one of the first and not the last to suffer the pandemic, then it is necessary to act quickly and drastically.”

The hiring of retirees, reservists and those trained abroad was encouraged to “exhaust all response possibilities” of health professionals. He challenged the government when he demanded that the country be prepared for “the confinement and distance education that last longer than previously thought.”

Marcelo knows that it costs, but guarantees that it is worth it: “We all know that the brutal cost of these tougher measures is, by far, much lower than the cost in life, health, economy and society destroyed by a pandemic that runs until October of this year “.

It asks that the example of health professionals be followed “in character, coherence, commitment and spirit of mission.” He says that this is the moment, not the other, and that we still have time: “This is the moment to make everyone, public and Portuguese, more and better.” And in five minutes, the address is pointed out.
