“We must prepare for something that could be even more serious in the future,” warns WHO



The WHO notes that although enormous scientific progress has been made to tackle COVID-19, we are not prepared to prevent future pandemics.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Monday that the world could face more serious pandemics than the one we face now and that we must prepare for something that could be worse in the future.

“This pandemic was very serious. It spread around the world extremely fast, it affected every corner of the planet. But this is not necessarily the ‘big one’ [pandemia]”, warned the director of the health emergencies program, Michael Ryan, during a press conference.

“This virus is highly communicable, it kills and has taken the loved ones of many people. But the fatality rate is reasonably low compared to other emerging diseases. This is a warning. The planet is fragile. These threats will continue.” added.

“If there is something we must learn from this pandemic, with all the tragedy and loss, it is that we must organize ourselves. We have to prepare for something that could be even more serious in the future,” he warned.

Bruce Aylward, senior adviser to the WHO, also said that while the world has made tremendous scientific advances in treating COVID-19, we are not prepared to prevent future pandemics.

“We are in the second and third waves of this virus and we are not yet prepared to face pandemics and their management,” he said at the press conference. “Although we are better prepared, we are not fully prepared for this [pandemia], much less for the next one ”, he highlighted.
