“We don’t want to die on the beach”; Smoking increases the risk of covid


The The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, decreed, this Thursday, the renewal of the State of Emergency due to the pandemic from Covid-19 in Portugal: “I just signed the second, and we all wish, that the last renewal of the State of Emergency takes effect until midnight on 2 May

In the afternoon, the Assembly of the Republic approved the new entry into force, with votes in favor of the PS, PSDBE, CDS and PAN and against PCP, IL and Joacine Qatar Moreira Los Verdes and Chega abstained.

However, the most recent DirectionGeneral Health (DGS) on Thursday revealed that, in total, Covid-19 has already caused 629 deaths and more than 18 thousand infected. There is also a record of 493 people recovered and discharged.

Globally, pandemic from Covid-19 already infected More than two million people in 193 countries and territories. See here the maps of pandemic in Portugal and in the rest of the world.

Follow THE MINUTE the latest news in the Covid-19 in Portugal and in the world:

00:00 – The follow-up for this Thursday ends here. Tomorrow morning we will start a new article to stay up to date with the latest news on the pandemic of the new coronavirus.

00:00 – Figures that explain why the Portuguese case is so praised abroad. Portugal ranks 16th among the countries with the highest number of deaths and cases of infection, on a global scale, for the new coronavirus. Find out everything in this article.

11:58 pm – Ponta Delgada firefighters paid tribute on Tuesday night to agents of the Public Security Police (PSP) of this city of the Azores.

11:45 pm – The Competitiveness and Innovation Agency (IAPMEI) revealed that it has already paid 75 million euros, distributed by 805 companies,scope of measures to accelerate the payment of incentives in Portugal 2020, due to the pandemic.

11:38 pm – During the afternoon we showed a video in which the protagonist was a Christian Chenay, a 98-year-old French doctor who still cares for patients. Now, we tell you more about this man who is a true force of nature.

11:31 pm – The USES presented a three-phase restriction relief plan. The Donald Trump government has issued new guidelines for states, businesses, and individuals on how to ease restrictions on social distance to deal with the coronavirus in areas where is it on the decline Discover everything here.

11:22 pm – The International Monetary and Financial Committee of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Today they recommended to private debt creditors in the poorest countries to agree to suspend payments during the pandemic from Covid-19.

23h08 – Saudi Arabia pledged today to allocate US $ 500 million (EUR 457 million) to combat the new coronavirus and disease Covid-19.

11.05 pm – Thirty Portuguese left the international airport today Simon Bolivar from Maiquetía, north of Caracas, on a Plus Ultra airline flight, bringing the number of Portuguese returning from Venezuela to 48, since the end of March.

11:01 pm – A DirectionGeneral Health (DGS) made recommendations on Thursday afternoon about tobacco. “At the height of pandemicspecial attention is needed as smoking can increase the risk of contracting Covid-19, “he explains.

10:52 pm – “Thanks Francisco.” The message of a hairdresser who touched the leader of the CDS.

10:39 pm – The cameramara Municipal Agueda today confirmed the first death associated with greedy-19 in this municipality of the Aveiro district, which has 39 people infected like new coronavirus.

10:35 pm – Firefighters from Praia da Vitória and Angra do Heroísmo, on Terceira Island, surprised health professionals and users of the Hospital of Santo Espírito and Lar D. Pedro V, on Wednesday night, with a ‘caravan’ of room vehicles light filled emergency room and a round of applause.

10:31 pm – More than 22 million people lost their jobs in March in the U.S. The data translates into the highest and fastest unemployment rate since records existed (1948).

10:21 pm – The Brazilian President, Jair TwitterAppointed Oncologist Nelson Teich for the Minister of Health, during the pandemic in the new coronavirus, and both agree that there will be no “forceful definition” of social isolation. Read here the new words of the new rule.

10:12 pm – According to a complaint by the Good Law Project, there are hospitals that recommend to doctors not to write that the cause of death of their patients was due to Covid-19.

10:06 – Cristiano Ronaldo has warned about the dangers of pandemic of the new coronavirus through social media, while helping the World Health Organization to transmit care. The French agency ‘The Metrics Factory’ published, on Wednesday, a study that shows that the official account of the Portuguese ace in the Instagram guaranteed a greater reach to the publications of WHO.

10:01 pm – BE’s coordinator, Catarina Martins, today criticized the distribution of dividends in the EDP, appealing to the intervention of the government that, with the decree of the state of emergency due to the Covid-19, you can prevent this from happening in other companies.

9:56 pm – According to a Good Law Project complaint, in the UK, hospitals advise doctors not to write that the cause of death of their patients was due to Covid-19.

9:50 pm – A pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has killed 141,127 people and infected more than 2.1 million worldwide since December, according to an agency report AFP, at 8 pm today, according to official data.

9:45 pm – The president of the CDS-PP, Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos, said today that he awaits the renewal of the state of emergency decreed after the pandemic from Covid-19 is “a passport” to get the country back to normal.

9:35 pm – The Ministry of Health announced today that a new ‘telehealth‘in various hospital units, to “strengthen the capacity to provide medical care” to the population, guaranteeing “quality of follow-up visits” during the pandemic.

9:27 pm – The head of the Azores Regional Health Authority, Tiago Lopes, considered today that the community masks that will be distributed in the region should not be used as an excuse to neglect security measures. protection basic greedy-19.

9:25 pm – Despite being in social isolation, Prince William does not neglect his royal duties. Just this Thursday, royalty opened the new field hospital in Birmingham through a video call.

9:23 pm – Two of the 19 patients. infected with Covid-19 that until now had been registered in Angola have been discharged and have already gone home, reported today the Secretary of State for Public Health, Franco Mufinda.

9:20 pm – 38 prosecutors signed an open letter to “repudiate” “ultra” positions insurance companies“from address of the Union of Magistrates of the MP in view of the criminal leniency measures to combat pandemic from Covid-19.

9:16 pm – The Ministry of Agriculture and the representative confederations of the sector They are evaluating the possibility of hiring workers from other countries to sector Portuguese agricultural sector, given the impact of pandemic Covid-19.

9:12 pm – Brazil registered a growth of 10.8% in the last 24 hours with respect to deaths from new coronavirus. The new cases, from Wednesday to Thursday, are 2105 more. Mandetta, former minister of health – today fired for Twitter – He left a farewell message on Twitter.

9:09 – The Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU) received in the late afternoon a total of 261 rental loan applications, the official source of the Ministry of Infrastructure and housing.

9.05 pm – Tom Moore has been noted in recent days for promising to try to save money for the national health service at age 99. britdwarf. His promise, to get money from third parties, was to go around a small circuit in the garden of his house 100 times, before turning 100 years old. Now There is a request to receive the title of ‘sir’.

9:04 pm – The The tour operator ACROSS announced today a new charter flight connecting Luanda and Lisbon, for the 30 of April, the fourth since the closure of air borders in Angola due to the pandemic from Covid-19.

9:00 pm – We now recall the epidemiological bulletin revealed by the DirectionGeneral Health (DGS) this Thursday. According to the most recent data, Portugal has 629 deaths due to the new coronavirus and more than 18 thousand infected.

8:58 pm – The Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education said that the DirectionGeneral Health (DGS) provides data on patients with greedy-19, for research, with a draft resort to artificial intelligence.

8:53 pm – The Azores today registered three new cases of infection for the new coronavirus, all on the island of São Miguel: two women, aged 75 and 86, users of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Nordeste house, and a 35-year-old man, a health professional at the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital in Ponta Delgada.

8:49 pm – Mario Rye estimates that total support for society in âscope from pandemic from Covid-19 may exceed 20 billion euros, during a hearing in the Committee on Budget and Finance, in Parliament.

8:42 pm – Twenty-nine prisoners were released today by applying the rules. exceptional from relief feather due to pandemic from Covid-19, A total of 1,135 release orders issued since Saturday.

8:40 pm – Foreign Minister britdwarf dominic Raab, said China has to answer “several difficult questions” about how it pandemic from Covid-19.

8:37 pm – Twitter on Thursday he fired the country’s health minister, Luiz Henry Mandetta. The President of Brazil invited Nelson Teich to the place

8:32 pm – The President of the Government of the Azores ruled out “at this stage” defining a “special operation” to transport students to the Azores region on the continent, highlighting the support provided to young people in âscope from pandemic from greedy-19.

8:20 pm – A Madeira returned today not to register cases of infection by Covid-19, keeping the 53 registered on Wednesday, with two recovered, indicated regional authorities, highlighting that this is the seventh day without new patients.

8:15 pm – The Government paid 60 million euros to farmers, after requests for advances underscope rural development programs (PDR), fruit and vegetable operations and support for sector wine production, Covid-19.

8:07 pm – Latest Opinion Barometer Poll Covid-19 days Marktest, held on the 6th, 7th and 8th of April reveals that the Portuguese are still concerned about the pandemic from Covid-19, but have more confidence.

8:05 pm – Parliament today approved a regime exceptional the budget process that allows the delivery of the Stability Program to be postponed and that the presentation of the Grand Options proposal be made with that of the State Budget for 2021.

8:03 pm – Protection Civil receives donation of 2,025 reusable visors. The material of protection donated by the Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD), will help to “ensure the safety of Protection Civil “.

8:00 pm – Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has already signed the renewal of the state of emergency: “I have just signed the second, and I wish, and everyone wants, the last, the renewal of the state of emergency, which will be in force until midnight on 2 May“, he affirmed, in a communication to the country, from the Belém Palace, in Lisbon.

The president of the Republic “three essential reasons” for its decision: consolidate the situation in households, stabilize the number of admissions to the National Health Service and “give the Government time and space to define criteria, that is, study and prepare for after the end of April the gradual opening of society and the economy, taking care, in a certain way, of the territories, areas and the sectors

Marcelo also considered that we are “winning the second phase” of fighting the spread of Covid-19, but warned that “perhaps the most difficult is missing. As people say, we don’t want to die on the beach

Read here the declaration of the President of the Republic in detail

8:00 pm – Goodnight! We have created a new record. Remember here the updates this Thursday afternoon.

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