“We are witnessing a disaster.” Daily reports at Hospital Penafiel – Observer


For two weeks, Covid and non-Covid patients have been transferred to other hospitals “due to lack of space”, but the doctor believes that when they start looking “they will have their limit”. “Even with more structures, human resources are limited ”, he underlines, believing that the solution may be even because there are exclusive hospitals for the disease, since patients with Covid-19 require a prolonged hospital stay. “If the number of patients continues to increase, I think our performance may be at stake. Break close the hospital? So I admit it. “The doctor guarantees that she is not prepared to choose which patients to treat. “Detection of disasters? I never did that, I’m not ready to do that. “

According to Agência Lusa, last Friday night the president of the CHTS board of directors, Carlos Alberto Silva, published an appeal to the population on the social networks of the hospital center, in which he asked that “everyone” comply with the recommendations regarding the use of a mask, hand washing, respiratory etiquette and social distance.

“CHTS has been under tremendous pressure in recent weeks, with an unfair workload for its professionals, due to the very high concentration of positive cases in this region. By the way, It had never happened, since the beginning of the pandemic, that a single hospital had concentrated 10% of all patients admitted for Covid-19 in the country. This is what is currently happening at CHTS. Despite the difficulties generated by a situation of this dimension, although we would prefer that they not have to visit the hospital, we will continue working for our users ”, it can be read.

“It’s complicated”. The Peñafiel hospital administration says: “I really need help”

This Monday, according to the Public newspaper, the president of the CHTS sent an email to the Northern Regional Health Administration (ARS) of the North and the Minister of Health to request help and more general practitioners to fill the emergency scales of the Peñafiel Hospital. “If there are general doctors who can come to the emergency room, it was good because here we had some positives that weakened the balance and it is complicated.”

In response to the Observer, the ARS do Norte public relations office guarantees that it is “following the situation” and “expediting responses.” “The Board of Directors of the Northern Regional Health Administration is monitoring the situation and, together with the Board of Directors of CHTS, is accelerating responses, in a first phase improving the response of the hospital network within the scope of the NHS – locating the patients here Covid-19 of that Hospital Center and, in parallel, promoting the celebration of conventions, both with the private and social sectors ”.

On the request of more health professionals to combat “Very high participation, higher than expected for the epidemiological phase we are experiencing” In the Emergency Service of the Padre Américo Hospital Unit, in Penafiel, the ARS do Norte anticipates that the Board of Directors issued a “favorable” opinion “immediately”, however, without anticipating the number of doctors or the scheduled date for their hiring.

For Radio Observador, António Araújo, president of the North Regional Council of the Ordem dos Médicos, speaks of a “dramatic” situation and maintains that the ARS of the North has the obligation to provide help as soon as possible. “ARS Norte had and has the duty, like the Government, to anticipate dramatic situations like this and, without anticipating, to try to resolve the situation when it arises.”

The representative of the Order of Doctors warns that the aid is “for today”. “We have received many reports of desperate and crying health professionals, absolutely powerless to cope with the situation they are experiencing, so they need urgent help. It is not for tomorrow, the help has to be today and it should have been yesterday. “

The Observer asked the CHTS board of directors about the reports obtained from health professionals, but has not received a response so far.
