“We are talking about twelve zeros for the recovery plan”


The President of EurogroupMario Ryeconsiders that the eurozone recovery plan must have an amount of “twelve zeros”, and the agreement reached by the Eurogroup it is “just the first step,” the Portuguese finance minister said in an interview with Público.

Asked about the help package of Eurogroup, Rye explains: “There are twelve zeros. Our calculators cell phones You cannot enter those numbers. Only scientific calculators can handle twelve zeros. ”

On the differences in Eurogroup, Rye He admits that “they still exist”, but stresses that “before reaching a consensus there are always differences”.

Regarding the credit line of the European Stability Mechanism (MEE), the president of the Eurogroup clarifies that this is a “network of protection, without restrictions, without troikas, without adjustment programs, so that the States can access financing at comparable costs among all, “he said.

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