“We are at the end of a political cycle” – Jornal Económico


The social democratic commentator Luís Marques Mendes said that the prime minister’s week “went wrong”, since he was on the honor committee of Luís Filipe Vieira, president of Benfica, who again ran for a new term and where he came from. – what was considered a first remodeling. Still, he said, António Costa was lucky, since he was removed from the list earlier, last Friday, Luís Filipe Vieira was involved in another crime.

“While I was in office [políticas] I was never part of any club, ”said Marques Mendes, who also spoke of a second remodeling: that of the secretaries of state. “It was already announced”, he said, to affirm that “it is another mistake by António Costa, and a bad sign. There are five that are leaving. Why? Those who enter are five former advisers or chiefs of cabinet “, which means that the government begins to” run out. “

One of the secretaries of State who left, Alberto Souto Miranda, recalled that “he is going to be administrator of the Development Bank, which is an example of patronage,” he said. “A bank is not a general management, there is the idea that the bank is not independent,” he said. Marques Mendes said that “I am very surprised” that António Costa is accumulating so many errors: “the reason is that there are signs that we are at the beginning of the end of a political cycle.” “They are the first signs,” he said. “If António Costa does not change, this becomes irreversible and he runs the risk of not finishing his term,” he said.

“It does not seem to me at all” that António Costa “is going to change the situation”, among other things because he is facing the Portuguese presidency of the European Union – “which is wearisome” on the domestic front – and the need to find support for approve budgets end of terms. “In one year, it will be difficult to pass the budget,” he said.

Marques Mendes recalled that the polls affirm that the PS is on a downward curve, which will be bad for the Socialists “in a year”, in the municipalities. The main mistake was the creation of a weak government.

As for Operation Lex, where three judges accused of corruption are involved, “it is a terrible image for the Justice.” But “there is also a positive sign: with this investigation, there was courage and independence.” “They are not there to cover each other,” Marques Mendes said.

As for André Ventura’s Chega convention, it was “overshadowed” by the problems of the election of the party leadership list, which only the third party was accepted by the participants. “But since it’s a one-man project …”
