Vote. Portuguese in favor of closing schools and available for lockdown similar to 2020


The possibility of facing a more restrictive confinement, similar to that imposed by the Government in the months of March and April 2020, is a scenario that welcomes a large majority of favorable opinions in the survey carried out by the Catholic University: 47% of the respondents affirm “agree” AND 30% “totally agree”.

At a time when the pandemic is taking on catastrophic figures in Portugal, the position of the Portuguese is clear, who answered the questions from the center for Catholic studies a week ago, between January 11 and 14, when the scenario was very similar. to this. week, with hospitals showing signs of interruption in the various services.

It should be added that the levels of concordance increase with progression in the age groups (age), although they are still very similar between 18 and 65 years).

Between the ages of 18-24, 25-34, 35-44 and 45-54 the curve remains in 73-74% agreement, increasing only in the 55-56 years for 81% and +65 for 83%.

Schools closed and distance education

The same trend regarding the position of the Portuguese in terms of teaching and the viability of keeping the establishments open. The closure of schools and the implementation of distance classes, as happened at the end of the 2019/2020 school year, appears in this survey as an acceptable scenario for the respondents.

Although the trend is not as assertive as in relation to the previous question, still a majority of 54% percent of those surveyed express their agreement with “the closure of schools, moving all students to distance education”: 31% “Agree” with this possibility and 23% “totally agree”.

But there are also 38% of those surveyed who do not want either the closure of schools or distance education: 25% “disagree” and 13% “totally disagree”. Yesterday, during the announcement of the toughening of the rules of this new confinement, the Prime Minister did not hide being closer to this group when he stated that “the social cost and the learning process of the current generation do not justify imposing limitations for the second academic year to teaching in the classroom ”. António Costa stressed that the closure of educational establishments had a very high cost and that, “therefore, there is no reason to change the decision made on the operation of schools.”

However, today António Costa admitted the closure of schools should the English strain become dominant: “At this moment it is opportune to protect and guarantee the education of this generation. When the survival of this generation depends on the closure of schools, that is what will be done, “said António Costa during the debate on the new measures in Parliament, with an announcement of the implementation of rapid tests in schools as of this Wednesday.

Presidential postponement

This was one of the questions posed to the representative sample of Portuguese in this Catholic survey: “There are those who propose the postponement of the presidential elections. Admitting that there is a legal way to postpone the elections, what is your position? ”.

This possibility and only five days before the election day, which takes place on January 24, there was a total division of those surveyed, with a very slight advantage of those who do not agree (47%) with the postponement of the elections.

Among the sample, 28% say “disagree” and 19% “totally disagree”. This 47% against the postponement scenario opposes the 46% available for a postponement of the presidential elections: 27% “agree” and 19% “fully agree”.

Data sheet

This survey was conducted by CESOP – Universidade Católica Portuguesa for RTP and Public between January 11 and 14, 2021. The target universe is made up of voters residing in Portugal. Respondents were randomly selected from a list of mobile phone numbers, also generated at random. All interviews were conducted by telephone (CATI). Respondents were informed of the purpose of the study and demonstrated their willingness to participate. Valid surveys were obtained in 2001, with 46% of respondents women, 29% from the north, 20% from the center, 38% from the AM of Lisbon, 6% from the Alentejo, 4% from the Algarve, the 2% from Madeira and 2% from the Azores. . Next, all the results obtained were weighted according to the distribution of the population by sex, age groups, region and legislative vote in 2019. The response rate was 44%. The maximum margin of error associated with a random sample of respondents from 2001 is 2.2%, with a confidence level of 95%.
