Vote. Left Bloc leads October earnings, PCP accentuates decline: Observer


The Bloco de Esquerda was the party that increased the most in voting intentions in the last month, according to the Intercampus barometer for Jornal de Negócios and Correio da Manhã, held between October 6 and 11, during the Budget negotiations. of State. Up front, nothing substantially new. The PS recovers one tenth to 37.5%, while the PSD rises five tenths to 24.8%, with a distance between the two parties of almost 13 points.

The trajectory of the PS in voting intentions has been downward since June, when it reached 40%. Then it fell to 39% in July, rose to 39.6% in August, but would fall again to 37.4% in September. The PSD, however, returned to its value in August, after falling five tenths in September.

In third place, follows the party led by Catarina Martins, which is recovering from last month: after falling from 10.4% to 8.5% in August, it rose to 9.9% in September. It now reaches another 1.1 percentage points in the October survey, reaching 11%.

The CDU scenario is very different, which currently has 4.3% voting intentions, continuing a downward trend (after 5.1% in September and 6.1% in August).

Vote. PS and PSD fall into the voting intentions of the legislatures. Latest CDS

Between the two parties, in fourth place, is Chega, with 7.7%, an increase compared to 7.4% last month, but down from 7.9% in August.

In sixth and seventh place in voting intentions, just two tenths behind the PCP, are PAN (maintains a percentage) and CDS (which falls two tenths compared to September), both with 4.1%.

Finally, the Liberal Initiative reaches 2.4%, three tenths more than in September, but still below the 2.8% reached in August.
