Volunteer firefighters now receive another four euros a day – Observer


The volunteer firefighters who are part of the permanent Civil Protection devices, such as fire fighting, will increase this year by four euros a day, now they receive 54 euros, this Wednesday was approved by the Government.

In a statement, the Ministry of Internal Administration (AMI) said that this year the financial directive for this year was approved by the Government and registered several changes compared to 2019, including the increase in the number of daily amounts that will be transferred to staff . fire department, from 50 to 54 euros.

According to MAI, this figure corresponds to an increase of 8% compared to 2019 and aims to “compensate the special availability of firefighters and the financial fragility they are in, in the context of the fight against the Covid pandemic- 19 “.

The financial directive for 2020 is the annual document that regulates the State’s contribution to the expenses resulting from the interventions of the fire departments under the three permanent provisions of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC), namely the Integrated Protection and Relief Operations Device (DIOPS), Special Rural Fire Fighting Device (DECIR) and Joint Protection and Relief Device in the Serra da Estrela (DICSE).

The MAI also highlights that the financial directive for this year also contemplates a 10% increase in the value of the contribution with food for firefighters and now includes these expenses in the DICSE activation period.

The Ministry, under the tutelage of Eduardo Cabrita, stresses that, within the scope of the ANEPC’s National Plan of Operations for coronavirus, the expenses resulting from the activation of the health aid and relief device were included in the financial directive.

According to MAI, the expenses incurred in the logistics support bases are also covered, to ensure compliance with the established standards to mitigate the risk of contagion and the spread of Covid-19 disease.

DECIR 2020 foresees a mobilization of 11,827 operatives in the most critical period of fires and the greatest commitment of means, between July 1 and September 30, of which 5,660 are firefighters.

The AMI also indicates that, in 2019, spending on firefighters, within the scope of DECIR, amounted to around 26 million euros, while spending on food amounted to around 800 thousand euros.

Last year, vehicle replacement and repair costs, as well as equipment damage costs, totaled approximately € 7.5 million.

The financial directive, which comes into effect at 12:00 am on May 15, was approved by the Secretary of State for Internal Administration, Patrícia Gaspar, after listening to the Portuguese Firefighters League.

The report on the third period of the state of emergency, delivered to parliament on Tuesday, reveals that humanitarian firefighting associations face financial difficulties due to the current pandemic situation, which could compromise their ability to respond to emergencies.

According to the document, prepared by the State of Emergency Monitoring Structure, coordinated by the Minister of the Interior, these difficulties “are the result of the abrupt decrease in the transport of non-urgent patients, with a very significant impact on their billing, aggravated for the sudden increase in personal protective equipment and disinfectant material. “
