Vitorino Silva vs André Ventura: Debate, but little


The debate between Vitorino Silva and André Ventura was much calmer than the previous one in which the leader of Chega participated. On the other hand, it does not mean that there has been no criticism, in fact Ventura has not forgiven the opponents Ana Gomes and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who, according to the leader of Chega, “is completely discredited by the right and that favors a lot” . If right-wing people go out to vote, as I hope, on the 24th, I think André Ventura will be in the second round with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, “he added, reiterating his mea culpa if Ana Gomes gets ahead of him.

Vitorino Silva, better known as Tino de Rans, stressed that five years ago he had “more votes than the Liberal Initiative and Chega together” and that it is out of respect for these voters and millions more that he is running again. “Out of respect for those 152 thousand people who voted for me and also out of respect for those who did not vote, who were millions and who regret it,” he said.

Both candidates demanded the representation of the people, accusing the opponents of only caring about the elites, André Ventura even pointed the finger at Ana Gomes and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. “I think I am more of a people and I feel it on the street, because I did not arrive just in time for the elections,” said Tino de Rans.

One of the other points of convergence between the two candidates was the defense of reducing the number of deputies in the Assembly. “There is much I agree with André on,” said the leader and founder of RIR (Reacir, Include, Recycle). “There should not be so many deputies, I also agree,” he added.

On the other hand, it was for the debate with André Ventura that Tino de Rans chose to bring -literally- stones of different colors, to better illustrate his philosophy: “The sea brings people of all colors, I am a candidate to put up clandestine walls.” down.

This was followed by the more than recurring issue of the gypsy, with Ventura reiterating his defense of cutting social support and strengthening control of its just attribution. “The inspection must be effective. It cannot be the game we have, Mercedes at the door and receiving income.” Chega’s goal is to cut it in half, he revealed, highlighting that “only 18% of Roma make a living from their work.”

It was on this subject that the debate was closer to a certain tension, with Vitorino Silva underlining that he likes “to talk not about ethnic groups, but about people.” “People often say: one eye on the donkey and the other on the donkey. Gypsies are not stupid, they are people and I like to talk not about ethnic groups, but about people ”, he stressed.

The candidate also added that there are Roma citizens who are unemployed because they are not given the opportunity to do so. “You have to level,” he defended.

On whether the controversy of the European prosecutor, José Guerra, appointed by the Portuguese Government, should lead to the departure of the Minister of Justice, Tino de Rans said: “Every monkey in his branch, I am not a candidate to send any minister to strike. I will not speak for the Prime Minister. “

André Ventura’s response could not have been more clear and expected, the Chega leader guaranteed that he would give António Costa a “signal” that the Minister of Justice would no longer have space in that Executive.

André Ventura was also asked if Donald Trump was a reference for himself, something that he denied, choosing Francisco Sá Carneiro and Pope John Paul II in his place and as examples of life.
