Vitória Opens New Online Appointments on Saturday for Flu Vaccine


Woman vaccinated against influenza in vaccination campaign, in Vitória
The woman is vaccinated against influenza in the vaccination campaign in Vitória. Credit: André Sobral / Vitória City Council

The City of Vitória reported that, starting at 8 am on Saturday (2), the online scheduling service in the city will open 8,000 new vacancies for immunization in the national flu vaccination campaign. For the city, the tool prevents many people from searching for vaccination sites at the same time, avoiding risky situations in times of coronavirus, such as queues and crowding.

The vaccine can be programmed by: elderly people, health professionals, truckers, prison system employees, civil and military police, firefighters, active members of the Armed Forces, people with chronic non-communicable diseases and other special clinical conditions (see list), public transport professionals and dock workers.

Immunization is offered in schools in the municipal school system and occurs only in the morning.


To reserve the vaccine, just go to the website of the Vitória City Council, click on the “Health” category and then select the “Influenza Vaccination” service. It is also possible to program through the application Vitória online.

If the citizen does not find more vacancies in his neighborhood, he can look for the offer in the neighboring region.

Vaccines are exclusively distributed by the Ministry of Health and the publication of new vacancies in the system always depends on the delivery of new batches.

The population can consult the Health Units available for immunization through the website of the City Council. Click here to check the Units.
