Violent accident causes two injuries in Famalicão


The only deputy from Chega today delivered a draft resolution in parliament to recommend to the Government that the subject of Education for Citizenship and Development be optional in the students’ study plan.

In the text, André Ventura affirms that “the Assembly of the Republic cannot remain indifferent to the drama that the Mesquita Guimarães family is experiencing today, which sees the Ministry of Education reject two children, forcing them to go back two years of school for not having attended To classes. ”Of that discipline.

“In fact, and as has been made public, the parents of the two students in question and who are on the honor roll of the Camilo Castelo Branco school group, in Famalicão, in the ninth and seventh year, both with an average of five values, they timely presented their conscientious objection to prevent their children from attending this discipline, ”it reads.

Case of Famalicão students ‘disapproved’ for lack of discipline reached Parliament

The resigned leader of the right-wing populist party and re-elected continues: “by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the parents decided not to abandon the education of their children, considering that the program of that discipline includes contents from the field of personal privacy and that nothing contributes to the harmonious development of their children ”.

This week a manifesto was made public, signed by the former Head of State Cavaco Silva and former Prime Minister Passos Coelho, for the “conscientious objection” to the issue of Education for Citizenship and Development.

Famalicão case motivates petition signed by almost 100 personalities

This document was signed by almost a hundred people, among them the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, Manuel Clemente, the former presidents of the CDS-PP Adriano Moreira and José Ribeiro e Castro, the socialist deputy Sérgio Sousa Pinto and former Ministers of Education such as David Justino and Maria do Carmo Seabra.
