Vieira leads the survey for the eagle elections


The current president is at the forefront over his rivals. Research carried out before the elimination of the Champions League.

Luís Filipe Vieira is well ahead of Rui Gomes da Silva and Noronha Lopes in an Aximage poll for JN on Benfica’s presidential elections. According to the investigation, carried out before the removal of the incarnated from the Champions League and knowing that Vieira is accused in Operation Lex, the leader of the eagles accumulates 81.2% of favoritism in the Benfica universe, against only the 3.3% from Gomes da Silva and 2.7% from Noronha Lopes. These percentages reflect the respondents’ idea of ​​who will win the election.

The current helmsman also has an advantage in terms of notoriety over the two possible electoral candidates, which is explained by being in the media for the last 17 years, precisely when he became president of Benfica. If Rui Gomes da Silva gained some attention for being a sportscaster with an eagle, the same cannot be said for Noronha Lopes, who never had a media stage despite being a reference manager of the McDonalds group.

As he barely assumed the candidacy in the last month, the survey did not take into account neither Francisco Benítez nor Bruno Carvalho, whose candidacy is currently being considered. The sample included 603 effective interviews, distributed throughout the continent and the islands.

Elections at Benfica will take place next month but, at the moment, there is no set date. Regarding JN, this information will be announced very soon by Virgílio Duque Ferreira, president of the club’s General Board, who is in charge of choosing the day. The last votes at Benfica have always been in October, cases of 2009, 2012 and 2016, in the pavilions located next to the Estádio da Luz.
