Ventura wants 4 ministries in a right-wing government: Justice, Interior, Social Security and Agriculture


“Who thinks that a minister of social democratic or liberal initiative will accept to carry out the necessary reforms of social security, with the end of this shameful subsidy, as the Chega program says? Impossible!”

It was in these terms that André Ventura wrote to the Chega militants, justifying his availability to be part of a future government led by the PSD. According to the online newspaper Observador, Ventura felt compelled to do so given the internal criticism to which he was subjected, after expressing this frankness in an interview with Público and Renascença. At that time, Ventura clearly said that “Rui Rio will never be prime minister” if Chega does not enter the government, after saying that he never would, just three months ago, at his party’s congress.

Now, the same party leader guarantees that “Chega will not be a crutch for any social democratic government and will only accept to make viable an executive that promotes reforms that until today he never had the courage to do: political system, tax system and justice system.” And it adds the four portfolios that it intends to command: Justice, Interior, Social Security and Agriculture.
