Ventura address list failed a second time


The list proposed for the national leadership of the president of Chega was failed this Sunday for the second time at the II National Convention of the national populist party, in Évora.

André Ventura did not obtain two-thirds of the votes necessary to approve the second list of party leaderships, which he presented after the leadership of the first: 219 votes in favor and 121 against was the result of the vote of the second list presented. The work was again suspended at the request of the Czech leader.

Of this, there was only one new name, Rui Paulo Sousa, nominated by the Pro-Life / Citizenship and Christian Democracy Party (PPV / CDC), in the sphere of the merger of the two parties. The Chega leader will present the same list on the third ballot.

Addressing the militants present in the room, André Ventura affirmed that this result is his responsibility.

“I presented to this Convention a first list of leaders. That list was rejected by Congress. After reflection, I presented a second list,” he said and continued: “as you know our internal democratic structure, it requires that the party leadership be approved., after correct elections of its president, by 2/3 of the delegates. That did not happen. That is my responsibility. “

“It is up to me as president to present the list to the leadership. I refuse to make this party another party in the system,” he stressed.

The president of the board of directors of the National Convention of Chega, Luís Graça, told the participants in the initiative that he is “prepared to spend several days” in Évora awaiting the approval of the party president list. “I am prepared to be here for several days until we approve André’s list,” he said on stage.

Diogo Pacheco Amorim, Nuno Afonso and José Dias remain at the top of the national populist party, now in the company of the diplomat António Tanger Correia and the historian Gabriel Mithá Ribeiro.

As members of the board of directors, Ricardo Regala and Lucinda Ribeiro, joined Rita Matias, Pedro Frazão, Patrícia Sousa Uva, Tiago Sousa Dias, Fernando Gonçalves and Rui Paulo Sousa.

In accordance with article 3 of the national electoral regulations of the National Populist Party, if the vote of two thirds of the delegates is not obtained “the president-elect of the national leadership must present a new list, within a maximum period of two hours, to the elected delegates to the National Convention, to vote in the shortest time possible ”.
